Famous and Adored sub

Published 2024-02-23
hello, my darling! ִᯓ★

a quote from days of old?

"Fame is the thirst of youth." - Lord Byron

calm rain version
   • famous and adored sub | calm rain sounds  


◇ you are destined to be the most renowned celebrity of our era, with fame that eclipses the stars themselves.
◇ your name will be whispered in awe across continents, a legend in the making.
◇ the world will bow at your feet, showering you with adoration and praise wherever you go.
◇ fortune will flock to you like loyal subjects, ensuring your every whim is met with lavish abundance.
◇ your presence will command attention, drawing crowds like a magnet wherever you roam.
◇ your talents will dazzle the masses, leaving them spellbound and clamoring for more.
◇ you will grace the covers of every magazine and dominate every headline, a true icon of our time.
◇ your influence will transcend borders, shaping cultures and inspiring generations to come.
◇ every step you take will be immortalized, etching your legacy into the annals of history.
◇ your aura will radiate with an irresistible charm, captivating hearts and minds across the globe.
◇ the spotlight will be your playground, with fame and adulation serving as your loyal playmates.
◇ your journey to stardom will be a whirlwind of triumphs, each more spectacular than the last.
◇ you will be hailed as a visionary, pioneering new paths and setting unprecedented standards of excellence.
◇ your achievements will be celebrated far and wide, cementing your status as a cultural phenomenon.
◇ the world will be your stage, and you will command it with grace, poise, and unparalleled charisma.
◇ your name will be synonymous with success, a beacon of hope and inspiration for millions.
◇ you will bask in the glow of adoring fans, who will hang on your every word and gesture.
◇ your presence alone will spark revolutions, igniting passions and fueling dreams in all who encounter you.
◇ your star will shine brighter than any before it, illuminating the darkest corners of the world with your brilliance.
◇ you are destined for greatness, and the universe itself will conspire to ensure your ascent to legendary status.

please remember to take care of yourself! this was made using my own voice layered and sped up somewhat. we both know you'll have shocking results. leave me a comment letting me know about them.

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