Scottish African Gets DNA Results... Is Bruce Fummey Black?

Published 2022-06-18
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Scotland history tour guide, Bruce Fummey and his family to take DNA tests. The result was more surprising than he expected
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Scotland History Tours is here for people who want to learn about Scottish history and get ideas for Scottish history tours. I try to make videos which tell you tales from Scotland's past and give you information about key dates in Scottish history and historical places to visit in Scotland. Not all videos are tales from Scotland's history, some of them are about men from Scotland's past or women from Scotland's past. Basically the people who made Scotland. From April 2020 onward I've tried to give ideas for historic days out in Scotland. Essentially these are days out in Scotland for adults who are interested in historical places to visit in Scotland.

As a Scottish history tour guide people ask: Help me plan a Scottish holiday, or help me plan a Scottish vacation if your from the US. So I've tried to give a bit of history, but some places of interest in Scotland as well.

All Comments (21)
  • @Oaronuviss
    You could be 50% Martian and 50% Mongolian and you'd still be one of the coolest true Scots I ever did witness. ❤️
  • @BrianRPaterson
    "Nothing prepares you to be 44% English." Spoken like a true Scot!
  • @irl-hdr4080
    This reminds me of someone I used to work with that did a family history before DNA tests were around. He wanted to do it because he was super proud of his Irish ancestry. So he paid $15,000 for this history that told him he was actually Scottish. He responded by saying “I paid 15 grand to find out I’m Scottish. How much more do I have to pay to be Irish?” 😂
  • @sarahcarnithan6771
    I'm American and found out I had a ton of Scottish. I knew about the English and Irish, but never knew about my Scottish history. It's what brought me to your channel. So thank you for all the history put forth in such a fun and enthusiastic way!!
  • @Y_Llew_Tew
    I can’t help think that “No, no, that can’t possibly be right.” wasn’t the endorsement MyHeritage were hoping for when they agreed to sponsor this video. This (and the horrified gasp when your daughter saw the result on screen) amused me greatly.
  • I feel your pain, brother. I'm adopted, so a number of years back I did an Ancestry test. Now, being raised my largely Norwegian Americans, I held high hopes. Plus, I have always held an affection for Ireland and Scotland. So, with bated breath, I anticipated my results to come back. They showed up in the mail one day. With trembling hands and a bead of sweat on my brow, I explored my newfound conformation only to get the "whaa, whaa, whaaaaaa..." 54% English. I drooped my head and kicked rocks across the parking lot. Lol. Fortunately, since the matching has improved, that 54% is now down to 34%, my Norwegian, Scottish, and Irish numbers have come up. 😉 Of course, since then Swedish, Germanic regions, and Denmark has been added. So basically, the Norwegian bit and the Swedish bits are fighting with each other, but they both hate the Danish bits. The Scottish bits think they're tougher than the Irish bits, but the Irish bits are too cordial to let the Scottish bits know they are both descended from the same people and just argue amongst themselves. Meanwhile the English bits and the German bits are at a standoff over who should be ruling all of the other bits. In short, I'm just a package of internal strife.
  • @ImacHunt69
    "The difference between a cabbage and an English person is Zero..." Classic! I see myself as Scots, but I'm mixed Scots/English and German, but being Scottish is a gift from God. Scots Forever!
  • Bruce, mate, 44% that had to hurt, but nothing proves the point of home is where your heart is, and I couldn't think of a better representative for Scotland than you, hi to your crew to, you look like a great bunch to have a beer or three with. And thanks for sharing your pain. 🤭👍🏴‍☠️
  • @LynxChan
    When your daughter started laughing you could just see her thinking "Dad is going to FLIP!" 😂
  • I would love for you to track down some of your new found relatives and share that with us. Really enjoyed meeting your family. Also, even full siblings don't inherit the same amounts of genes from each parent unless they are identical twins. Genetics are tricky like that 😅.
  • @kieranhay7190
    I can’t believe you were my physics teacher at larbert high school. Only teacher that let us listen to the radio and genuinely the funniest teacher at school. Great to see you doing well for yourself and have a lovely family. All the best mr fummey 😀😀😀
  • @TeamLNE
    Bruce, you share the name with one of our greatest Kings and you're passion for Scotland makes you 100% Scottish 😉 Great video, thanks for sharing the results man.
  • All your reactions were priceless, love this. Shows that nationality and national identity is so much more than just genetics and ethnicity. Anyone can be Scottish. In my opinion, being Scottish is calling Scotland home.
  • Just got my ancestry results and I am 34% Scottish! Specifically Scottish highlands. My African ancestry is from Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast and Ghana, with smaller amounts from Senegal and Mali.
  • I can't imagine there being too much difference genetically between the Scots and the English. When I did one of these, it had me pegged as about 25% Polish, but in actuality it's Czech. I think the genetics doesn't care too much about the political boundaries it's just about the general area.
  • @j-t4436
    My test was the opposite to yours. I thought I was English - until I did they test to find out out I’m 85% Scottish. I’m from Newcastle so I always knew there would be some Scottish in there somewhere.
  • @mrs.cracker4622
    My family came to north America from Scotland , England and Ireland among other places but I recently discovered I carry the trait for sickle cell anemia so we have African connections as well. Sickle cell is something serious to mention to cousins Ive discovered through DNA. I had no idea until my son was diagnosed.
  • I used Ancestry for my DNA. Found out I'm 54% Scottish and 46% Irish. A second cousin linked me to my great grandparents. My great granny who was Irish. My granddaughter told me it's the most boring DNA results she'd ever heard about. 😂
  • This has been the best DNA test reaction video I have ever seen, great job.