No More Innocence

Published 2022-05-22
NMI, OG art and story completely made by Dumbie (

"Around a week after the release of Sonic The Hedgehog 2 in Japan, there were different reports surrounding nameless Sega Genesis cartridges containing mediocre imitations of the game which were found to be advertised as nothing but "The New Sonic The Hedgehog Experience". These reports all tended to focus on the many ailments children in possession of these copies were showing—such as very intense headaches, decreasing eyesight and nausea— with a couple of these cases also mentioning their kids not being able to properly walk or keep themselves standing up after 1-2 weeks of playing with the copy. While the symptoms and their intensity seem to vary a lot, what's been kept consistent is how much the victims insist on being completely fine, and being allowed to continue interacting with the bootleg. We haven't found any coherent explanation as to why this keeps happening. These reports have strangely gone under the radar until being re-discovered recently. Any proper studies on said reports haven't made any progress due to cases similar to these beginning to appear in America. There are 10 confirmed cases, to be precise.

Most of the investigators and other lawmen who have tried to intervene have experienced trouble sleeping and severe paranoia, making this case extremely intimidating. The number of confirmed cases has had almost no increase but attempts at contacting 911 are growing excessively. These calls are also proving unhelpful however, as they are all distorted in some way. Some are rendered incomprehensible due to a horrible noise resembling static, while others are obscured by what seems to be a third voice in the call which talks over the other caller as they try to speak. However, for quite some time there was a police department in Scottsdale, Arizona who were making steady progress finding the roots to the case; having one of the officer's kids suffering from the bootleg's effects. As all the attention was starting to be drifted towards the group in Scottsdale, more and more of other cases were starting to be less prominent; diving into obscurity, as if they were being forgotten. With information on every case being swept under the rug like this, it was ruthless for the team at Scottsdale to keep following this tactic. And it proved to not be so rewarding once the case seemingly stopped, with not a single update from the team after. It's speculated that it ended once the lead man, father of the ill kid, quit his position after running into a dead end; being received with nothing but his child in a hospital bed.

With all of this, it is fascinating how these series of tragedies have, apparently, lost steam. With any of the more recent reports being left overs from previous events; however, strange activities surrounding SEGA have been noticed, as there's been posters hung up near the area claiming there's an individual lying about their position in the company; stating that this isn't a real person."

All Comments (21)
  • This feels less like an EXE and more like something you'd dream of after you forgot to put on your headphones before bed as a kid.
  • "i can hear your parents smashing in the other room" "your escapsim has failing you"
  • @genostar248
    Idk why but seeing Sonic staring right at me with that realistic face saying "I can hear your parents fighting in the other room" is just the funniest shit to me I'm sorry
  • @PlantLollmao
    I love how happy Tails is despite the horrifying creature right beside him.
  • @axosotll
    "Sonic": i can hear your parents fighting in the other room Tails: wait but i live alone "Sonic": oh
  • Watching this part of the level gives me so much anxiety, the parents fighting thing was the cherry on top
  • @thechorri2198
    To be honest, if I heard about this from a while ago, I would be so scared. Today my parents argued, right now when I am sending this my mother is at work and my dad is working at home. Like, it is amazing how this can scare me.
  • My parents were fighting. as soon as he said that he knew i litterally stopped my heart beat
  • @funniestguy
    Loved the part when NMI says "It's no more innocence time!" and no more innocented on everyone. Truly one of the Nomoreinnocencist movies of all time
  • @angyboi7969
  • @CosmicGuy217
    “I can hear your parents fighting in the other room” My reaction after reading this while my parents are arguing: 👁️👄👁️
  • @shad6ey
    In just two sentences I felt fear, holy shit.
  • @Theragtagna
    My parents were actually arguing. Needless to say, I got spooked.
  • @ScorpionX1980
    This actually deeply creeps me out unlike anything before. Just the fact alone that he was talking about parents fighting when i just went through my parents' divorce, it's coincidental but deeply unsettling. Like it knows what my greatest fears are.
  • @Parky64
    A moment of silence for those who watched this while their parents were fighting in the other room.
  • @zerechan
    This legit has given me the most unnerving vibes since I was firsted introduced to creepypastas. Well done
  • @mxron1.
    "I can hear your parents fighting in the other room" Holy shit how did you know?