Lee Smolin - How Can Space and Time be the Same Thing?

Published 2021-04-03
What does it mean for space and time to be the same thing? Not related to each other, but literally two descriptions of precisely the same entity: "spacetime"? One cannot understand existence without understanding spacetime.

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Lee Smolin is an American theoretical physicist, a researcher at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, and an adjunct professor of physics at the University of Waterloo.

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All Comments (21)
  • Time and space are relative. The more time I spend with my relatives the more space I need
  • @kens2328
    It’s interesting to hear words in English, spoken in a clear voice, and in a familiar pattern, and yet not being able to understand them at all when put into a certain sequence.
  • @argentum001
    What's even more puzzling is that Mr. Smolin's tilt angle is the same as the Earth's
  • @brianboyle2681
    Smolin is such a wonderfully clear speaker. I assume he is a fantastic mentor/professor.
  • @9Ballr
    I took the time to watch this, and then I spaced out.
  • @davidcahan
    My favorite part is when the host says "so you are teasing apart space and time" and the guest says "yes" and the host comes back with "wow, well that's quite radical". Einstein's view, his theory, has become so well entrenched that it's now radical to think of space and time as being separate from each other. Amazing!
  • @joeyvigil
    A very difficult subject to truly understand even when explained clearly and concisely.
  • @tedl7538
    I love the way Lee explains these ideas in such a clear, fascinating and patient way. Obviously he knows that most viewers won't understand the math and conceptual details of the topics, but he still formulates his answers in a deliberate and thoughtful manner. Bravo!
  • Glad to see Lee Smolin in perfect shape. His smile really made my day. All the best to you, sir!
  • @streamdr1499
    Whether you find yourself agreeing or disagreeing - intuitively, or through some sort of personal bias that might be close to you for whatever reason - with any of his interviewees and their theories...you have to admire the brilliance of Robert Kuhn and how well he actually contributes to these discussions! Always a pleasure.
  • @derekboyt3383
    Time is a measurement of movement across a given distance. It is a measurement, not something that can be measured. Space is an area, not a thing. There can be things within an area but space is different from those things. We try to claim that space-time is a thing yet we can’t even claim that space nor time is a thing. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • @Sean-pm3wn
    A while ago I was super high in the shower and realized that time is the result of everything interacting with everything. I’m glad someone else figured it out to this extent so I don’t have to dedicate my life to a PHD so that humanity has this knowledge. Based science man.
  • I am in awe of Kuhn's questions to help me to understand a little of Smolin's answers. My brain hurts in a good way.
  • @jakecarlo9950
    I love Lee Smolin so much. He is so philosophical and *humane*. I'm just really grateful he's out there, and I 🙏 for his good health and long life.
  • Think of space/time as a frame rate. Like when you look at old celluloid movie reels. Where there is one frame then another and when you experience them in sequence it brings them to life and you experience an animated image and TIME. Just like how they make cartoons frame by frame by frame. The frame rate of the universe is a staggering 12 sextillion times per second and that is a real number. A 12 with 21 zeros behind it. This also happens to be the speed of light and maybe contemplating the speed of light will help you comprehend this deeper as well. LIGHT does not move. It bumps into its adjacent space 1/17,0000th of an inch of ether causing it to move and send waves. If you have ever watched a huge long freight train start or stop you hear on car bang as it grabs the one next to it and then the one after that bangs and on down the line like dragging a stick across a chain link fence or putting playing cards in the spokes of your bike with a clothes pin. Time and space are one because it is really our consciousness that is moving from one frame of space to another at a determined frame rate. Everything is consciousness. Matter is just a shadow of all else that makes its perceived existence possible.
  • @namedjasonc
    I don't know enough to say whether or not this interview brought me Closer To Truth. I can definitely say that it brought my Closer To Faces though!
  • @eatower2
    I feel like I could converse with Smolin for years about the universe and we'd never have a boring second. Groundshaking perspective and insight are the one things we all can have, but only few truly pursue it.
  • OMG! I read Smolin's book "The Trouble with Physics" some 14 years ago but never heard of him since until NOW. I'd actually forgotten about him. This is so cool that he's still around!
  • When I was five years old, I looked up at the sky and wondered, how can it go on and on forever and ever? My next thought was: But how could it stop? 70 years later, I still haven't figured this out. Has anyone? Space is infinitely large, you could keep going in one direction forever. But is space also infinitely small?
  • I've always had difficulty reading Lee SMOLIN's works. Many others communicate better. He's keeping it simple, here.