"Carry On: The Life and Legacy of Maggie Lena Walker"

Published 2017-03-14
This orientation film from the Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site traces the trials and triumphs of Richmond's pioneering banker and civil rights activist. Combining the latest scholarship with rarely seen archival images, this narrated documentary chronicles Walker's unique leadership and her enduring influence on the struggle for social justice. Narrated by Zeke Alton with Daphne Maxwell Reid as the voice of Maggie L. Walker.

written & directed by Ethan P. Bullard, Museum Curator, Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site.

Visit www.nps.gov/mawa for more information

¡Ahora con subtítulos en español!    • "Adelante: la Vida y Legacía de Maggi...  

All Comments (21)
  • @nannawalling
    This is awesome! As a 65 year old Caucasian I am angered at the lack of true history I was given. I don’t feel too old to learn, so please keep it coming. I love this woman. What she did and what she said still rings so true. Collectively we can do so much more even though individually we hold less. Thank you for sharing this. It is powerful knowledge.
  • I’m 60 and I learned about Ms Walker at home from my folks around the dinner table. Guess I was lucky having a teacher as a dad...❤️
  • My grandmother Shirley Tyler Britt was the first bank manager of Bankers Trust in New York she worked her way up and retired thank you Miss Walker for even without knowing my grandmother kind of followed in your footsteps
  • @maddie9185
    She was way ahead of her times. What a great story and an inspirational woman.
  • @jitkasuarez
    Her message of unity, cooperation and helping one another is timeless and the only real answer...but do we listen?
  • @superwaxx
    GENTLE REM!NDER: Be grateful for the strength of the ancestors.
  • @ShaundraLee1920
    I was blessed to attend schools that did focus on black history and knew about Maggie Lena Walker. Still, this is an excellent piece and I salute whoever put this together.
  • As a Black Sister we need to take notes from her today we need you Mrs Walker!!!!
  • I'm thankful for the internet, to finally learn our, African American's, TRUE history.
  • @stedye
    This lady was phenomenal. She aptly is the example of a " Phenomenal woman" as the great poet Maya Angelou wrote! She boycotted before King and was militant before Malcolm. Amazing story.
  • @TaiwoWilliams
    What an amazing woman! She was ahead of her time, when she advocated Black self sufficiency and Black ownership. It's a pity that her spotlight was dimmed. Hopefully, this short documentary will shine on her wonderful achievements and legacy.
  • This popped into my feed, I'm so glad it did. I agree this womans life and legacy should be made into a movie.
  • @SalkisRe
    I am dumbfounded and embarrassed to say I've never heard of this woman until a few minutes Ago... OMG! Economic empowerment is the only empowerment there is!
  • @solemandd67
    I am 55 and considered myself well educated. I had never heard of Maggie Lena Walker before today. If we as Black people research and educate ourselves and each other on our accomplishments outside of entertainment and sports, we'd find inspiration leading to a broader foundation of empowerment. Thank you for posting Mrs. Walkers biography.
  • @kiirenza
    I stopped by this historic site on a whim on my way to another destination in Richmond. This woman is an amazing inspiration. I can't believe I'd never heard of her before now.
  • Unbelievable that I never heard about this until now😢, such a remarkable woman 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
  • @mscarolyn1
    This is a phenomenal aspect of Black History!!! It saddens me that her legacy is not widespread....let us share and enlighten!!!
  • I'm 54yrs old never heard of her I had to fight my Social Studies teacher about Martin Luther king Jr. When he became the first holiday in 1983. I took a stood proudly.
  • @nukeman444
    We need to re-open Mrs. Walker's playbook, and why I haven't heard of this great women before? This is huge. So, , , the Rosa Parks boycott wasn't the first public transportation boycott. Wow.