Defiant Achievement Playdate (7/20/2012)

Published 2012-07-21
This is a montage of the Defiant Achievement Playdate that took place on 7/20/2012. I hosted a lobby all night long for community members to join, and we would search Matchmaking, and only vote for Defiant maps to give players tons of chances at grabbing those hard-to-come-by defiant achievements. Together, we achieved close to 200 achievements. Way to go everyone. Hope to see you all next time!

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Link to 343 Industries news article:…

All Comments (8)
  • @hellfiretothemax
    As a participant in that, it was literally a night I like to call, "WTF" night. Almost everyone was fairly straightforward about doing some stupid and getting a kill for it. It literally got to the point of tears of laughter at many points during that night. Arguably the most fun I had while Reach was the primary Halo title up. No boosting, no ego's, and a lot of cursing and funny moments. Btw, that sniper killing the assassination peeople? Yeah, that was me. lol... I wanted to make him mad...
    There was no boosting throughout the night. Players simply played more casually. We weren't frantically spinning around trying to make sure that absolutely no one was behind us at all times. It was a real fun night, and I think everyone left with more than they came with, including some new friends.
  • @xChaos23
    I like the premise and I am gutted i missed it, but the Armour Lock/Knife one seemed like it was boosted rather than earned.
  • The hell? I just came up with an idea for people to join up to get achievements.
  • @jeremiahj4497
    Can you please host another I will definitely join!!!