Linkin Park - Numb (Rocknmob #5). Dedicated to Chester Bennington

Published 2017-08-04
Official video of the song "Numb" (Linkin Park) performed during Rocknmob #5.
Moscow, Russia, JULY 1ST, 2017. 200+ musicians

NB: #rocknmob5 took place BEFORE Chester's death.

This video is dedicated to Chester Bennington - the voice of our generation that inspired and cured us, cried and laughed up with us, and always touched our hearts.

Linkin Park and Chester were and always will be part of us.


Huge thanks to Ed Sklyarov (   / @rockfeat8091  ) for making the video.

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All Comments (21)
  • @MegaTwiztid15
    Chester would've loved this. And I'm sure he does as he's looking at this in heaven. This is the best tribute I've seen. I'm fucking crying right now.
  • @pytukaelg4103
    Happy 43 yrs old Chester, because legends never Die.
  • @janebennoda3750
    - Ты слышал "Linkin Park"? - Это группа? - Это эра.
  • @UrSkyRyder
    This is so beautiful.. it's a shame we are divided by our leaders and politicians... This is one of the most beautiful thing I saw this month
  • @insaniac169
    These people aren’t doing this for money. Not for fame. Not for glory to themselves. They do this to honor a man who sang what we couldn’t express. A man who wrote rage and pain, grief and apathy, newness and wonder, light and hope. These men and women came together to honor and remember an era that shaped millions. RIP Chester. And thanks for giving me some fire back in my heart in a damn dark time,
  • @nikol9264
    Боже мой! Это же в Москве в парке Горького?! КАК Я МОГ ПРОПУСТИТЬ ЭТО СОБЫТИЕ???!!! Спасибо большое организаторам концерта памяти и я сожалею что не был там (((
  • @psyhosocial2456
    Как говориться "Он пел для нас а теперь мы поём для него "
  • When this pandemic is over.. I just want people to sing together like this again
  • @TamtaGabi
    Such an irony. My life was soo fucked up and Linkin Park's music saved me. I was one step on the other side, but Chester's voice made me want to stay here. And now he's gone and even if it was a few years ago, I still feel Deep and cold hole in my heart. This video make me cry every time I see it, I feel piece of Chester in it. He would love it. He was my star on the dark sky. I didn't knew him for real, but I know his music. I miss you Chester. Hope you're ok now. I'm, sometimes.
  • @Evangellionua
    Это невероятно. LP были огромной частью моей подростковой жизни. Их музыка лечила и спасала. Мне уже 32, но я до сих пор их слушаю. Когда умер Честер, я будто потеряла близкого друга, которого при этом никогда не видела в живую. Мурашки от этого выступления. Ребята, вы такие невероятные и талантливые. Спасибо вам, за то что вы есть!
  • A man is not dead while his name is still spoken R.I.P. Chester May your name or your music never be unsung
  • @Brian_Gawlak
    So sad we can't bring the world together peacefully like music does. 🤘☮️
  • @duberfirst9560
    Почему я плачу? Плачу одновременно с улыбкой и чувством непомерной утраты.
  • @afterlife1073
    Saved millions but millions couldn't save one.. RIP chester.. Hope you r watching these from above... That's for you..
  • @itzlinkon8350
    - Chester didn't die - Chester is still alive in our Hearts - Miss U A Lot
  • Вот что значит легенда .. когда тебя помнят ,любят и не забывают .. 🤘🏻💔
  • @rgrt8121
    надеюсь Честер видит это оттуда... сверху и радуется что он не зря прожил свою жизнь, что он вдохновил много людей, и мы должны отдать дань ему и его творчеству