Prison Planet Censorship

Published 2010-02-01
This is the video that I shot of's censorship of my post questioning why Alex Jones didn't state that this most recent bin Laden message was being used to compel the American people to do the opposite of the message, as he has stated has been the case with all of the other bin Laden recordings. It is the same story as the video that I have uploaded for the Infowars Censorship. It is the same issue, except it is a different Alex Jones site. It is the same story, though. Unlike Infowars, which just makes it appear as though the comment was never submitted after sending it, has an "awaiting moderation" feature that permits for the sender to see his comment, but it is not published to the general viewer of the comment section until it clears moderation. It is unusual to see this "your comment is awaiting moderation" message on's comment section. They generally post immediately. This comment has been awaiting moderation since January 29, 2010. Again, it is the same comment as I sent to Infowars' comment section for the same article, which I have already uploaded as Infowars Censorship. I believe that the reason that it is being censored is because it would prove Alex to be quite wrong in regard to one of his biggest agendas and that is in regard to debunking any man influenced contributions to climate change. After all, why would he state on his radio show and print in his articles that the bin Laden recordings have been fake, in the past, and that they were used like the boogie man to scare or trick the American people into doing the opposite of what "bin Laden stated, yet, this time, he doesn't reach that conclusion. Instead, he wants others to believe that the bin Laden message is somehow different this time and that it is being used to bolster the issue regarding climate change proponents? Alex likes to use the term "Cui bono?" Who benefits? Maybe the big oil and coal and other existing profitable energy interests? By scaring people into continuing to use their crack, without any major disruption to their raping of the world's resources, as well as screwing people with inefficiency, monopoly, and excessive profits? I hear Alex Jones talk about the 1st Amendment, on a continual basis. Why is it that it is somehow okay for him to violate that belief in this situation? He has agendas just like the rest of them do and he certainly was attempting to keep this off of his comment sections. This is another documented account of Alex Jones censorship. Please check the article and see if you see my posting in the comment section, in regard to his comments about the bin Laden climate change message, as well as the links to his previous articles where he stated that they were used to achieve the opposite of what bin Laden was stating. It was a very long post with several infowars links included and it is simply not there. It is "awaiting moderation."

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All Comments (3)
  • @brianwesley28
    I do wish to state that I still do agree with many of the issues that Alex Jones discusses in the same manner in which he does. I also wish to state that some of my comments to his infowars and prisonplanet comment sections are being censored.