Published 2024-01-25

All Comments (21)
  • @johnhancock3877
    when u "crashed" it wasn't ur computer its been happening to my computer and all my devices too randomly on roblox and roblox only
  • @BowlingPin33
    "The bullpups always seem to have such low recoil in Phantom Forces" Meanwhile the SVU-A:
  • @PouncyJunior
    Just to clarify, anything above 33.33333333 (etc.) is a guaranteed 3-shot, as 33.3 recurring × 3 is 99.9 recurring. You add any number (no matter how small) to 99.9 recurring and it at least hits the 100 mark. In short, 33.34 or over = 3-shot (Phantom forces doesn't show damage past 2 decimal places, so no need for more .3's in that)
  • @Terrek_
    oh hey look at that, my submitted blueprints are seen in the video (Scar-47, HK416 Disguise, Spas-12 Freeman)
  • @edthoone1476
    8:06 i actually used a similar setup when i was doing a "1k kills with every sniper rifle challenge". At the end of the challenge theres no SR to agro sniping properly (NTW, TRG and K14 was the last ones), so i needed to use the k14 to agro sniping on metro for a long time, theres better options to do it, but isnt terrible
  • @c4tb0mb
    I once found a weapon called the BFG Headhunter. it was literally just stock bfg with a ballistics tracker
  • @0akenPrince
    I completely forget about the player shop until someone in chat mentions it.
  • @Meokii45
    4:05 as a person who plays a lot of weapons with very high ads speed, the ads on this m107 felt so gross to me 😭
  • @AduriteHex
    Bruh that crash always happens nowadays, and I literally just bought that. Also fun fact if you refress the shop enough times you can get a 99% discount on some guns or skins.
  • @jeavenxx
    i authored the m107 earthquake and the aug40 future tech blueprints, i can tell you about them and how i intended them to be used earthquake - it's a hipfire setup designed not to kill but to annoy the hell out of the enemies on the receiving end. suppressed enemy! future tech - attachment fashion. literally just fashion. it looks futuristic does it not? its not intended to be good at performance. granted i could've given it a skin setup but that was before i knew it was possible. sidenote: they aren't happy that i managed to bring the kac srr's total amount of blueprints to an absurd number compared to other weapons. only the sniper kit isnt authored by me.
  • @kedos1939
    Hey steven. I JUST LOVE the player shop and setups cause theres a slim chance that you can get a 99% OFF. I am a rank 130 and Ive got 99% off G11K2 and NTW-20 :D
  • @kanix01
    I bought a NTW and the 1 shot conversion for 2 times less than it would cost me to buy the default NTW alone (im pretty sure i got 70% discount or something) I think that the main reason to use the shop is just to look for discounts on expensive stuff like high level weapons and conversion
  • @ulid1
    I would say that whenever I use the Playershop to find blueprints, it's either a hit or miss. Half the time i see alright/good looking loadouts but the other half, I see cursed loadouts for random guns I dont use.
  • @brown5674
    btw, honey badger on preview really good, i tired it by myself and i liked it, now its mine main setup for honey badger
  • @Dasher-fc3zc
    that sunset honey badger looked so cool. what skin was on it?
  • @atDuskGD
    somesteven fr records my nightmares and posts them
  • @ktpt7158
    If you see something fun in the shop and it's 99% off, buy it. 100% buy it. Doesn't take a genius to realize how much you actually save. For example, a friend of mines was able to buy the g11 with attachments and a customizable (blue?) skin for a little over 1k credits. Saves SO much and I cannot stress that. If you're looking for loadouts for a specific gun, in the bottom right of the loadout menu there is a button that provides community blueprints for that gun (you can even put your own set up)
  • Steven: *uses m107 Also Steven: “Let’s try a sniper build, we haven’t done one yet”
  • 2:55 In my experience, this map is basically a close quarters map cunningly disguised as a sniper map. And/or jumpscare simulator.
  • @Mstev212
    I gotten a few high rank guns with big discounts Few days ago as a rank 94 I bought a NTW with long barrel and the one shot conv for only 4k credits ( 80% off) Today I got a stoner with random attachments for 4k again ( again 80% off ) So yea selling skins you get can easily get you any high rank gun and if your super lucky there is a off chance you can get a 99% off blueprint