LOUD Argument With A HOMOPHOBIC Mercy Main (Overwatch Competitive Toxicity)

Published 2022-11-27
discord.gg/JbxV7RW to share pictures of james charles

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toxic overwatch team
toxic overwatch players
toxic overwatch
overwatch trolling
overwatch voice line spamming
overwatch toxicity
overwatch toxic teammates
overwatch competitive
Xbox overwatch
Overwatch rage
overwatch arguments
overwatch toxic argument
season 1
season 1 toxicity
overwatch 2

All Comments (21)
  • how can you be homophobic playing mercy.....I thought that was literally the character for the gays
  • @lisalos7170
    I adore how the reaper is just like "bro can we just chill pls" on chat and no one notices and just keeps arguing. My guy deserved a metal for standing up with the argument
  • @someone4951
    As a Support main, I feel the pain of people demanding heals while they're standing behind 3 walls and running away from you, then calling you trash for not healing them through 3 walls.
  • @ExNitrix
    " Your name is LoveSosa " ...okay DaddyTord420..
  • @B_bang22
    "Im learning with this character" is one of my biggest pet peeves and especially when they refuse to switch. You came to RANKED to learn a hero you have NO experience with and then proceed to trash talk everyone else for your short coming
  • @SHYUN648
    As a mercy main who actually spent hours solo queuing to top 500, this hurts to watch ;; not only cuz of how toxic she is, but also how painfully garbage she is at mercy and basic positioning like... its not that hard...
  • @bunnthebunny714
  • @szzaxx1604
    Bro I have NEVER seen two supports genuinely argue with one another outside of a “hey can you heal more please so I don’t have to solo heal, thanks <3”
  • God as a mercy main, it’s embarrassing to remembering this is how we’re viewed- She probably can’t do anything without a duo anyway 🙄🙄
  • you give me courage to speak up against people like this ingame
  • @cri_daily
    “Heal me! Heal me! Heal me!” Bro. I can’t heal you when you’re balls deep in the enemy team doing Cirque Du Soleil.
  • The reaper who went “good comms good comms” while the mercy was babbling sent me 💀💀
  • I'll give some context here for anyone wondering: Luv used to like me a lot until I found out she was teaming with cheaters. That's why at the start of the match I called them out for wallhacking and still being unable to kill me (I was Sombra before). I wasn't being spychecked; they would look directly at me, every time, and proceed to start blastin. Anyway now she tries to spread rumors about me, I guess because I don't main mercy and actually know how to aim. I'm mostly mute and I've never spoken in game chat because of my disability. She's never heard my voice. If she did, she'd know my voice is really high pitched and quiet, not deep. I also make jokes a lot in the chat so when I said "Welcome to GM" it wasn't to be insulting or anything like that; it was because we lost a player early on and I have fun teasing people that are raging. ggs I'll see you around
  • @majinkup8439
    She was talking the most shit playing as mercy that’s actually crazy💀
  • @tcreator4914
    8:46 you can hear reaper's pain just trying to play his game, he just wanted to play a normal game man-
  • @tream1499
    i absolutely hate arguing with annoying people so i genuinely applaud you for doing this community service
  • How is she gonna call you a sinner but she says she hates gay people? 😭
  • @StanIsSwag
    everyone in the comments talking about the mercy BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT HOG?? misses a hook on a sleeping Cassidy and proceeds to bitch and moan that his team can't kill them???
  • @clairarts9377
    i played with a mercy as Ball and they were so sweet- saved me a million times and they were a great healer- so this is depressing to watch, knowing how nice a lot of mercys are that i’ve ran into. Maybe its just cause im only silver 2 i havent had to deal with these dirtbags yet. all in all, great gameplay GS!