FLETC. A PINAC 1st Amendment Audit. (Feature)

Published 2014-09-23
Learn More At PINAC - photographyisnotacrime.com/2014/10/08/florida-poli…

Special note on this video.I was using a new 32GB SD card for my Cannon EOS camera. The new card was glitchy and wouldn't work reliably on record mode. I didn't think that the camera was recording during the encounter with the DHS "under cover agents". I was relying on EOG's recording from inside my van until the DHS agents started talking about calling the FBI. At that point I attempted to get my Iphone 5C out and state recording for my protection.
To my pleasant surprise, I later discovered that the video encounter of the DHS agents was recorded by my Cannon.

Learn More At PINAC - photographyisnotacrime.com/2014/10/08/florida-poli…

All Comments (21)
  • @UtherPendragan
    The DHS agent admits that it is not illegal to take pictures. At the same time he is telling you he is going to call the FBI and the local police to report you. All the while Mr. Trigger Happy agent is standing behind you and off to the side of you with his hand on his gun. This video is crazy. You did a great job Jeff remaining calm and cool yet not letting these guys intimidate you.
  • @chris14473
    I love the "I'm gathering content for the story." line.  They never seem to understand that they are the story that you are gathering content for.
  • @JMUK
    Wow! 8 years later and I’m still SHOCKED! Thank you Jeff for defending the constitution at your own RISK. You are AMAZING. Always the best AUDITOR
  • @trucid2
    "I haven't said you were doing anything wrong." He says two minutes after threatening to call the FBI and local police.
  • @DarylRogan
    "We're Federal Agents..." "Yeah, well I'm a Federal Citizen; you work for me"
  • @JohnFilax
    Absolutely great video Jeff. I love the fact that you have become more aggressive and that you stand your ground more aggressively. I really appreciate what you have done up to this point I hope that you keep on doing what you're doing. And don't let these stupid bureaucrats push you around. Again you have only gotten better as time has gone on.
  • They want you to understand their concern cuz you have a camera, but they go for a gun! And they want you to understand their concerns! PRICELESS!
  • @rotcod2886
    5:55 "If everything added up..." Translation:  "If you would just waive your rights, like we want..."
    I know this is an older video but you told them exactly the conclusion I have come to. They are trained to think all citizens who exert there rights and privacy are terrorists and being evasive. Amazing. Thanks for what you have done in the past years and are still doing today.
  • Love your channel. Thank you for standing up for our rights and not giving in.
  • @blendedborders
    I would really love to start doing this myself. Jeff, you're are such a inspiration and advocate for our rights. Thanks man for standing up for us.
  • @shaunhess9161
    They are learning, slowly. You have obviously educated the local Sheriffs. Excellent. Keep it up!
  • What amazes me as someone from the UK is that I am surprised that a couple of cameras being held by US citizens who are standing on public property causes such a scene. This only goes to show the governments propaganda machine is so effective at raising general paranoia amongst the security population who react like this. Please keep up the good work guys !!!
  • Really?????? They work for homeland security........ Did they not get their OWN memo about this????????????
  • @birdsongty1
    Good encounter, but that guy who went for his gun, wow, he needs to chill
  • @Peace.Officer
    Your best work yet. Your activism is definitely appreciated. I think you made them think about what they were doing to you. Excellent work.
  • Jeff knocks it out of the park again. It's depressing to see you tell them that they're training people to treat law abiding citizens as the enemy and they didn't try to deny it, didn't even flinch at the thought that you saw them in that light. It's completely scary how indoctrinated law enforcement has become over the last decade.
  • There I am freezing my ass off , drinking my diet coke and trying my best to keep Jeff in frame on not one camera but two(2), what is he doing walking up and down a road talking mostly to himself as he waits for the idiots to show up. I can't tell you how proud I am to know and work with this man. He has your backs every time he does one of these videos , by showing the terrible change in the status of the average America and their relationship with Law Enforcement and it ain't good. EOG has your back Jeff at all times buddy. 
  • @mikepaisley7921
    Great place to do an audit. It's the training and policies that need to change. Keep up the good work.