WW1 Artillery


コメント (21)
  • It's hard to believe that all this happened more than 100 years ago
  • Unbelievable power. Those artillery barrages were insane. Great compilation. Thanks for the upload!
  • Crazy how at 0:19 the guys job is literally to have his hand in the way to eject shells BEFORE the guns even finished recoiling, amazing synchronization
  • “Here it comes boys” “It’s been a honor serving with ya lads”
  • The standard French 75mm field gun could fire up to 15 aimed shots per minute.
  • Military Wisdom: There is no problem that can't be solved With the proper application of High Explosives
  • The immense size and power of these guns getting pushed back by their own fire is insane compared to more modern artillery which seem way more smaller
  • This is what caused majority of the casualties in The Great War. Man survival was sheer luck
  • Its kind of funny how some of them look like modern guns but others look like old muzzleloaders.
  • Interesting fact. The french didn't improved their rifle for Ww1 in contrary to germans or british, but they focused on their artillery making the most modern artillery compared to the germans, it's what played a huge role allied victory.
  • @piglin469
    I wonder how a knight from medieval times would react to this
  • @R33C3.
    During the battle of Verdun the German Artillery barrge could be heard 90 miles away in the vouge.