THIS IS CRAZY 😱😱😱 #tangled #disney #shorts

Published 2024-01-27

All Comments (21)
  • @its_ivanmars
    Who’s the best DISNEY VILLAIN?? 😮😈
  • @LadyJoyce0822
    Disney is probably like: Write that down, write that down 😂
  • Mother Gothel got flashbacks from when she was falling of that cliff as the Evil Queen 💀
  • @Rhaenarys
    Mother Gothel wasnt so much obsessed with beauty as she was youth. She was old and about to die soon. She wanted to avoid dying, and the flower gave her that option. Also, Gothel was much more planet friendly, as she was extremely upset that the kings men plucked the flower, as they couldve just brought the queen to it. The evil queen probably didny give a crap about the planet.
  • @kuroyuki6254
    I love the idea that she fell off a cliff and was like "ooh, a flower"
  • There's one problem in the theory though, the Evil Queen can change between being old and young as much as she want, while Mother Gothel can't, she uses Rapunzel's hair to stay young
  • *Disney animators run out of ideas for villains The fans: everything is connected
  • @TravisMansfield
    i swear these shorts get crazier AND more believable every time 😂
  • @X23Natalie
    I also like the idea that Magnifico in Wish turns into the Mirror from Snow White.
  • As a kid I used to think Maleficent and The Evil Queen were the same person 💀
  • @lumay5798
    I must say, I never would have figured this out if i hadn't come across this short, cant hurt to know either.
  • @Todorokimha99
    Me who realized as soon as I saw mother gothel looking in the mirror and when he said she wanted beauty
  • @juloxia
    Now this is a theory I never would have expected
  • @johnbruce3089
    they are connected, but in the way you already described, german witches. they were all obsessed with youth and eternal youth in lore and their covens plotted and took children all the time. one big thing here is that her name is Mother so that changes her potency. she most likely was the strongest of disney witches pre-Rumplestilksen