Fun Things to Do in The Sims 4 (when you're bored of it)

Published 2020-07-04
The Sims 4 can get really boring at times - so here are some fun things that you can do in the game that can make gameplay more interesting! You won't even need any expansion packs if you can't get them yet! Hopefully I've made your base game more entertaining!

Also, EA if you're reading this, please make the Sims 5 better. Thanks.

Social Media stuff:


Copyright-free music courtesy of Bensound!

Also, sorry about the Last of Us clip. Hurt too much not to share oopsie.

All Comments (21)
  • @ladychips
    we need a reality show for that first family
  • @yuritarded7912
    The family part was so confusing and I couldn’t tell if there was incest or not
  • @angelaphsiao
    I’m not going to lie, that family tree totally sucked me in. I would watch a lets play about them
  • The game show idea is brilliant. I’m adding my own twist on it though, instead of adding a prize of money, I’ll make them the only one that lives
  • @bradknightable
    I remember playing sims 2 and 3 for hours upon hours. Never had to look for fun. Your game has failed if players have to go looking for fun
  • @ii_wxther
    The first one-- i- I just lost all 4 brain cells I had.
  • @Jresner
    I have 31 packs I need to rethink my life.
  • @amyclairemager
    Story lines/ideas when I was bored :D -Made my single mum sim homeless. Lives in a tent and everything is off-the-grid, lives off her own garden veg etc. -Made an orphanage - Converted a big building into a residential and moved 6 babies from various NPCC households, with one adult and an elderly cat. I name them all their original surname + Snow (#GOTreference ;) ), then when they're older - let there be drama! -Picked one household where ZERO cheats are allowed (because for me Sims gets boring when its too easy) -Hostage story - where a sim marries/moved in with a hidden psycho, where they are then locked in one room and not allowed to leave. -Use the clubs feature more - create clubs to enhance bad work dramas (eg. all the detectives in one club to hang out after work - romance dramas/triangles that may then come up in Get To Work). Or use them for 'family reunions' to bring all the relatives over that hate each other etc etc. I also have LGBTQ+ Groups who turn up at nightclubs, teens who group in parks, business men group in cafes etc for more atmosphere. - Riches to rags ... sometimes way funner than rags to riches! I know some of these require other packs, but hope this helps inspire! <3
  • @silyknow
    It’s funny how calm FGG sounds compared to her now
    I don’t understand how Joe and Jenny are half siblings - step siblings completely - but they don’t share a parent so they’re not half siblings. However I love this idea!!
  • @moominfella7614
    oh there are THINGS to do in that game? didn't even realized.
  • @HughLlewellyn
    I first started doing the store idea a few years back, with a collector sim who raised all the plants that were in the game, except alien, up to Perfect in his garden. He made herbal remedies, and with icemunmun's Canning Station mod, he made jams, sauces & preserves that he sold in his little country store, along with hand crafted items from the woodworking table. This was before you could just buy seed packets and harvestables. You had to actually collect the plants (which, BY THE WAY EA, MAKES IT MORE FUN! Yeesh.) so it took me a long time to find all the harvestables (well all the ones in the game up to that point anyway. More have come in since.). And then bringing his skills up enough to make his products worth a lot of simoleans. I played him for months of real time and was never bored with it. That's what's lacking in Sims 4 really. It's too easy to make money, it's all just handed to you on a platter. We have to make challenges for ourselves to make the game more interesting. Sims 2 & 3 were tough! That's what made them satisfying to play. I wish the current Sims team understood that. If they're the same ones in charge of Sims 5, I don't hold out a lot of hope. :P
  • @cupofbleach3352
    Currently I’m playing a rich black family, the storyline is that a beautiful women fell in love with a vampire, but their families do not approve of them. So they ran away to Del Sol Valley, and they become CEOs of a big company, eventually they moved and had a child who happens to be half human, vampire, and are planning another. The twist is that they keeps slaves (😏) for the vampires of the family in a basement under their house, and nobody knows about it, which is why it’s a big secret.
  • @elfbotanist
    It's important to know not every one of us could buy the pack when they were released, get instantly bored and then jump to sims 3. Some of us are still playing sims 4 and this video is relevant.
  • Sometimes I put like 20/25 sims locked in one house with extreme violence autonomy activated for them all. Then I just watch who is the one that will outbeat them all and win the competition. I actually write down who dies first, second ... and by whom they are killed. So in the end, I see sims that killed like 5 and sometimes the winner that only killed the 2nd place.
  • @mattt5105
    My recommendation is to make a story around it. For example (this example will only work if you have Dine Out and Vampires): A vampire must live a double-life, vampire training and such at night, and running a restaurant in the day time. While doing this he is trying to not let people know he is a vampire by disguising himself well and making clever excuses to not do certain things (like go out to a park in the daytime). But as time goes on it gets more difficult to do so. This stress affects his performance managing his restaurant which makes him have to have a decision: Keep hiding it or tell people about it?. This scenario does take some serious roleplaying but that's one of the best things about The Sims
  • @Lauren-fc4yq
    I literally LOVE the first one, especially. “Who’s personality by the way is completely made out of silicone.” 😂😂😂 Thank you for all the likes!
  • not me just realizing that you can sell stuff with the get to work pack and you don’t need city living