Muhammad Ali Telling The Truth About Our People Not Being Black Any Where on Earth

Published 2024-01-31
Muhammad Ali spoke the truth plain for everyone but the people missed it because they are reacting with emotion and not thinking or using common sense.

Very interesting to hear him say that there is no such place as black and that there are no so-called black people. And that these people must proclaim their nationality since people are not colors.

I know that the moors had their nationality taken away because they did not honor their forefathers and they were given the names of negro, black and colored by the pale skin nations of Europe, names given to slaves by slave holders during the time of slavery.

Look at the condition of their descendants today running around calling themselves colors, black and other deceptive political constructs violating the Constitution committing sin even when the Constitution abolished slavery giving them a way out but they run right back in to oppression.

What is your nationality? Ask them this question ... What is your nationality? If you don't do anything else just visit the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. and learn the truth about your nationality and birthrights before you die, you are not blacks. After you learn this then you can make up your own mind either to free yourself or remain in oppression.

It's time for people to be educated, open and honest in discussions with one another.

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