Protesters block entrance to far-right AfD party congress in Germany | DW News

Published 2024-06-29
Demonstrators have clashed with police in the western German city of Essen, where the far-right Alternative for Germany party is holding its summer conference. Police used pepper spray after some tried to break through a police cordon. As many as 100,000 protesters are expected to appear outside the two-day event. Authorities say they expect most to be peaceful, but that some may try to disrupt the conference.
The AfD is riding high following recent electoral successes, despite a series of scandals. But observers say in-fighting could see the AfD shift even further to the right.


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#Germany #AfD #FarRight

All Comments (21)
  • Jesus H. Christ! Aren't they already far right, extreme right, etc.? How far right will they go? We're in real danger of running out of words.
  • @lessparks8553
    You did this to yourself And Now you expect sympathy? No offence but this report is laughable
  • What happens when you harass people? Are they more, or less, likely to be friendly with their harassers?
  • I hope German people will reclaim their country from illegal immigration.
  • It's not a peaceful protest if they're preventing a political party from carrying out it's functions. And why do you keep talking about how many the protesters are expected to be and not how many they actually are.
  • From 0.14 he says as many as 100,000 are expected thats a bit of a lie Same media rubbish hear in the UK with the Reform party were all far right cause we want to preserve our culture and way of life I and many people I know are changing as I always voted Labour but Kier Starmer leader of the party does not know what a women is
  • @gtrdxz
    Access to Europeans and their nations IS NOT a human right.
  • What is appealing about the far right, or far left for that matter, is the wrong question. The question is what is not appealing wth the status quo. Extremist parties, right or left are fueled by the failure of governments in assuring the well being and prosperity of their citizens. Misery and struggle will always seek an alternative. It is easier to call the challengers of the status quo names than to solve the problems of rubbish governance. Basically, governments, through disregard for the well being and prosperity of their citizens fuel these extremist parties. He who is starving is not too picky about where his next meal comes from.
  • @Kaoniao
    This ‘report’ shows a lot about the camp DW is getting its Whiskas.
  • @roboldx9171
    Wait! Do you mean to tell me the AfD aren't holding their conference on the Wannsee?
  • @LCMM2150
    "Chrupalla"? Does it sound like a German last name?
  • Bro, you came too and came for 🤦🏽‍♂️. Not support either sides. I try to understand both sides but brother case is reason of rise of far right. They don’t want people to change their way of life. You’re an outside trying to change it or keep the change that disagree their lifestyle. Not taking both sides but you ain’t helping your side. This just give them more fuel to promote their presents is actually working in the government.
  • @bruzh6359
    That's Democracy. Everyone can go, and you can't complain
  • Nothing wrong with Ancestor Worship ! that defend its clan from infection ,an understanding of Germanic indigenous saxons and how brit prejudice towards the Germans, discrimination of a race and ancestory thus the misstreatment and victimisation by the british
  • I find it interesting that no matter what 'news agency' reporting from wherever in the world about ANYONE or group that does not tow the narrative is 'far right'.
  • @missesCarmenB
    Interesting that they care about certain symbols and slogans in Germany but not in Ukraine.
  • @jrbailey3208
    If the AfD is 'far right', then the SPD is 'far left': same standard for all parties. This is yet another hit piece by DW against standard conservatives. Shame on DW.