Sinclair Ferguson: Romans in 40 Minutes

Published 2019-08-15
At the 2019 Shepherd's Conference, the Banner of Truth met with divinity students with the goal of encouraging them in their studies for the ministry. Sinclair Ferguson spoke on 'Romans in 40 Minutes', and the students enjoyed some fellowship. At the end of the lecture, the students were all handed a copy of the 13th volume of the Romans series by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. The video of this meeting is now being made available on our Youtube page, and we hope you will be blessed as you listen to it and gain a helpful outline of Paul's magnum opus. 

The Book Fund

The ability to bless the students with free books was made possible because of the Banner Book Fund, which supplies ministers, missionaries, seminaries, and needy individuals all around the world with books either free of charge or at heavily subsidised prices. To some of our correspondents, one sound Christian book is gold dust, to be treasured and read time and again.

The fund is supported by gifts from individuals and from the revenues derived by the sales of Banner books. To learn more about the Banner Book Fund - its history, goals, and innerworkings - click here:

All Comments (20)
  • @cindi7955
    How i love to listen to Sinclair Ferguson as he loves God's word so much and teaches it so well. Wow!
  • Romans is one of the greatest gifts The Spirit has ever given His church. It's kinda like an engagement ring!
  • @rosierawlley543
    Wow,I'm taking a break at 30:36. Its so beautiful and wonderful that I cried and prayed,thank The LORD GOD Almighty. The LORD Jesus Christ. The Blessed LORD Holy Spirit. For the Gospel of GOD.
  • This has encouraged me to try again to work through Romans. Thank you Dr Ferguson ❤
  • If you put the speed to 1.25 is understandable and it’s Dr Ferguson 10 years ago..
  • @laurencismyname
    😍 an amazing book that has a short chapter on each verse of chapter 8, it's by Octavius Winslow," No Condemnation in Christ Jesus", available via Banner of Truth, too! My top 10 all time books!!
  • @psalmek23
    Praise God! I’m on the Roman series by Martyn Lloyd-Jones and God is blessing me with these spiritual truth in which we have received through the precious blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It was good to hear an outline outside of this Lloyd-Jones commentary which puts things into perspective. Thank you Heavenly Father.
  • @deniscobar8539
    Siempre ha llamado mi atención el especial énfasis de la Escritura acerca de la pecaminosidad de los judíos ; tanto el A.T. como el N.T. nos hablan de su incredulidad, de su falta de conocimiento, de su resistencia al Espíritu de Dios, de su pecado y rebelión, no solo el N.T. como pudiera pensarse porque los profetas hablan abierta y fuertemente de la dureza del corazón del pueblo de Israel, de hecho el N.T. se basa acertadamente en e A.T. en este aspecto y por supuesto en todos y cada uno de los temas que aborda. Creo que todo esto es así debido a que Dios tiene el propósito de mostrar con la mayor claridad posible la profundidad del pecado en la raza humana, es decir, el Señor usa a Israel como la muestra palpable y viviente de nuestra necesidad de redención, y de cómo su gracia se engrandece ante nuestra culpa para rescatarnos de nuestro depravado estado espiritual. Entonces Israel es un instrumento en las manos de Dios para dar testimonio contundente del pecado que mora en nosotros y para dar testimonio contundente también de su gracia que sobrepasa todo pecado. Y todo esto lo hace evidenciando su esclavitud al pecado, no lo hace exhibiendo su virtud y santidad por conocer o ser receptores de los oráculos divinos, nunca llegaron a ser un pueblo distinto moral y espiritualmente hablando, obediente a la voz de Dios, fiel a la Palabra del Señor sino prácticamente todo lo contrario; esto no es antisemitismo, en todo caso es "anti-humanidad" porque estamos todos en el mismo barco, tanto Judíos como Gentiles, en nuestra necesidad radical de redención debido a que "ya hemos acusado a Judíos y a Gentiles que todos están bajo pecado" Romanos 3:9.
  • St Paul writes by REVELATION , not personal impression. His statement "My Gospel" is reference to his special mission as apostle to the nations.
  • @ep8470
    Where did he move too??
  • @HearGodsWord
    18 months is quite short compared to John Piper taking 8 years 8 months to do it.