HELP! the SCORPIONS are coming for me!

Published 2024-07-16
Munqst has been going crazy with his Sledgehammer Scorpion setup. In this mechabellum multiplayer game we face the composition. Can we defeat the treacherous Scorpions?

All Comments (18)
  • @xCurionx
    Q&A with Woof Factory, the great maker of woofs (loosely translated): Q: "Who is the primary customer of woofs?" A: "Cats, Birds & Smaller dogs"
  • @Fadeways
    In this match we see a rodent with no respect for scorpions get preyed upon
  • A good idea might have been the elite hackers because they would distract the slow double shots of the scorpions and delay the approach of the crawlers.
  • I think Fortress, and mustangs works pretty well, they clear chaff, and distract hard hitters like marksmen. They sit under the shields, and are protected by it, instead of regular chaff, that just charges forward into certain death.
  • @DontAatMe
    He had a lot of crawlers. Your forts were too busy shooting at them. If you went vulcans sooner or maybe wraith, you wouldnt even need the nuke
  • @nfc14g
    Nuke and similar are op. I understand why he rage quit. They defy the strategy of unit choice and placement all game for something you can't plan or defend against, other than keeping your units spred out
  • @zigzera7757
    I really like sledge starts too they turn into a good a “heavy chaff” in the latter stages of the game that lets melters and other carries sit back longer they are a bit weird to play with and around though because of their hybrid nature of a dps / chaff unit To be fair though I’m a lower mmr player so things are diff down there
  • @jakesecreto
    shield fangs are good against high damage low rate of fire units like Scorpions. Also you already had some fangs and fang production on multiple fortresses.
  • @Azmodael
    His comp did not have a single anti-air unit. He just knows your love for fortress spam all too well :) Im also surprised you didn't shield the fangs. Extended range sledge is a monster of a unit, especially if you don't deploy on the line. Forts are so overwhelmed with good teches and people rarely put extended range in their comp. Once EMP hits its game over for forts. You just need something to actually pump the damage. I personally think he would have been better served by melters in this game, but he got the scorpi for free and commited to them.
  • @zloy-ivan
    Почему противник не использовал авиацию?
  • Just gonna drop that Elite lvl3 Hacker will basically make scorpions useless. So many shots to be wasted on single crawler picks.
  • Do the fortresses just not fire their fists if they get one shotted?
  • @pongwong5463
    Are vulcan’s just bad now? I feel like they get outclassed by mustangs, wraiths, and fire badgers at this point
  • Why no fang shields? Maybe fang range would have helped to deal with the crawlers?