Million Dollar Guitar - Stevie Ray Vaughan

Published 2014-10-10

All Comments (21)
  • @ericpigg2689
    Almost brings me to tears to see Stevie's guitars encased in glass. It's like seeing a 700lb lion at the zoo. It's cool to be that close to it, but you know it just wants to get out and roar.
  • @btownbobby
    That needs to be returned to Jimmie Vaughan.
  • @supervibe1
    Long live Stevie Ray Vaughan. I miss you brother. Thank you for opening my eyes to a whole new horizon of music
  • My guy is talking normally while having SRV’s Number One in front of him, I’d be crying and pissing myself.
    Not to sound like Indiana Jones here, But it belongs in a museum. Not in the hands of a wealthy collector.
  • Stevie has been my favorite guitar for years and years . When I was living in Costa Rica I met a guy sitting in a bar who told me he played bass with SRV in Paul Ray and the Cobras 🐍. I went back to the states a week later went into a book store picked up a book on SRV opened it and there was a photo of Alex next to a young Stevie Vaughn . I went back to Costa Rica a week later and Alex was still in my hometown . He stuck around for about a year. We would sit around drink and smoke while he told us stories about growing up with the Vaughn brothers in Dallas and migrating to Austin and playing in the Cobras with SRV . I miss Alex but I’m sure he is now playing with SRV in heaven . RIP SRV and Alex Napier
  • @tideslider664
    amen bro give jimmy that guitar back its such a memory of his lil bro
  • @katford7286
    Norm, this is a guitar that belongs rightfully to Jimmie Vaughan. He has expressed the desire to have it back so the decent thing would be to offer it to the family as a kindness and out of respect for the memory of his late brother. It feels ghoulish that you would exploit the death of Stevie Ray to line your pockets.
  • Never, a man....who wears sunglasses indoors. Ever.
  • Nothing In A Museum Can Ever Be As Awesome As Stevie LIVE....He Is Horribly Missed! Return That Guitar To Jimbo!! Soul💞Soul, Stevie,💗😘
  • @fasteddie4145
    I'm amazed at how generous people are with other people's stuff....
  • @royfornett3859
    Stevie is worth it. He's away but still valued. That guitar been touched son.
  • @BeaverVision
    A million bucks? Not happening. Jimmie should have it.
  • @s7vnexes336
    its a sin on the highest degree to buy and never play an instrument
  • @dusty9961
    I can see why Jimmy Vaughan in the shape he's in he lost his dad,mom,and brother and a piece of memory is in the glass case
  • @XreoconX
    That guitar should go back to Jimmie, selling is just wrong.
  • @ethanmaxwell677
    I love your channel Norm and love watching your videos, but as you said Jimmy would love to have the telecaster. Life is not about making a million dollars on a guitar. You and me both know that guitar is worth more to Jimmy than anyone else. Not because the guitar but the memories that were made and what he saw his brother become through that guitar. I understand you want your business to prosper, but what do you think is the right thing to do? I don't think you understand the power of giving. Having that guitar would mean a lot to Jimmy. Yah I understand a million dollars would be nice, but don't you think giving that guitar is worth more than that money ever will be?