Forge20: Making a Self Bow

Published 2022-10-11

All Comments (5)
  • you ever try graphing plants? i seen a video where someone graphed a tomato and potato plant together since they are in the same family. or seen vidoes of people graphing different types of apple trees into one tree would be cool if i ever had a garden lol
  • Love it, from your cordage video you said you was going to make a bow great video also does using cattail instead of milk thistle give any extra benefit? sad it didnt work out but good thing you had paracord laying around lol,
    keep up the good videos man
  • We both know where this takes you my friend, the only logical next step... Roadkill tendon strings.
    As with repairs to sailing vessels, I expect the marauding hoards of mongols had to learn as they went as the species changed through their travels.