She goes to karaoke in way too tight school uniforms & wants her mom to trust her | K-DOC

Published 2021-03-31
Part 1 :    • Kids once asked her, "How much did yo...  

Teenage daughters are a headache. Especially when you are from a different country and don't understand what kids do here these days. Watch Indonesian mother Yani and her daughter understand their differences and confess their feelings!

All curations and translations done by Eunjae Lee.
All rights reserved to KBS.

All Comments (21)
  • @anisagigihola
    i think what was stressing the girl more was the CAMERA filming her get scolded. Like i bet she felt embarrassed. i also feel like she started crying when her mom tried to take her phone away just so the cameraman would leave her room, which worked btw.
  • If I acted like her around my mom. I would be slapped into the next dimension lol
  • @notrlysuretbh
    “I don’t believe getting straight A’s in school is the only way to success” I wish all parents had this mindset. A few B’s and a C every once and a while isn’t going to hurt that bad. There are so many ways to succeed in life without having A’s all the time. As long as they don’t get their grades down to a D or an F, to me, it’s fine. They’re kids. Let them have somethings to think about other than grades.
  • @TheMyEve
    She’s actually a really nice daughter compared to some of the teenagers you see on “The worlds strictest parents”
  • @dopaemine
    I think you guys are being a little too harsh. Sure she could’ve been a little nicer to her mom but she’s growing and she’s realizing the error in her ways. She genuinely seems like a sweet girl who cares a lot about her mom, so don’t judge their relationship when you’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg.
  • @Lkrst
    The mom has a youtube channel and the daughter is actually a sweet and helpful kid. I'm not justifying the disrespectful behaviour that Subin (the daugther) did, but people should stop writing comments as if they didn't argue with their mother as a teen. Subin's just going through a phase and surely the mom has her own way of parenting. At the end of day, they will still love and care about each other.
  • @sage9097
    Gonna be honest, i have not seen any other clips of this family but i can say the daughter is extremely respectful and seems like a genuinely nice girl. Like she greets the camera person politely etc. Her response towards her mom isn’t that abnormal? Like at her age, she definitely wants to look good so nails and stuffs like that are something they want to do. I mean, i have definitely been in that phase. I think her mom should try to be understanding because at that age, kids tend to get embarrassed to do stuffs that they used to do before and parents seems to confuse that to being ‘rude’ or ‘disrespectful’. I am saying this because my mom has been more of an amazing friend to me, she grew up with me so things like these are something i have never faced but friends around me have.
  • @kz0311
    She’s not that bad... just a normal teenager going through puberty and not understanding their parents.. I was like her and I was considered pretty well behaved compared to how kids where I’m from were lol she acts like an angel compared to some of the people I went to school with 😂
  • @ITSDANI04
    I’m glad they made up 😭 but she should definitely appreciate her mom most parents aren’t as understanding
  • I m really jealous of the fact that her mother talks about topics like this with her because the only subject my mom is concerned about is my academics and anything and everything affecting it. It really makes me sad sometimes and i feel like my entire worth is valued from the marks on my reports.
  • Honestly, for teenagers, she’s quite respectful and nice to her mother than most teens and I know it myself since I am a teen and most of my friends are all the teens so I’m just speaking out of my experience and what I have seen
  • @yuechan13
    “I don’t understand her and she doesn’t understand me either.” I feel like this is the epitome of all problems parents tend to have with their children. There are some things parents do out of love that may be overbearing in their children’s perspective, and so children feel as if they are forced to “obey” or bear with the annoyance that comes with their freedom. Vice versa, a parent would feel as if their child is shutting themselves off and disappearing away from their watchful eyes and they simply worry all the time because it’s about their kid’s safety and life. In the end, both sides feel as if the other is obligated to change for them to feel better, and then they start throwing around words like “why can’t you understand me.” But the problem isn’t that, because I’m sure both the parents and children know EXACTLY what each other want but can’t give in for specific reasons. In the end, you have to communicate and accept the fact that you can’t have EVERYTHING go the way you want it to, whether you’re a parent or child. You have to give in sometimes because that’s just how it is with every relationship, familial or not. I feel like they should try to talk and be on the same page, compromising on some aspects so that both sides can have a certain degree of freedom without worrying or annoying the other.
  • @gouri8404
    Pls this girl is living her life literally her mom's soo understanding . I'm from an Indian household and my parents are strict af ...I don't even get to spent the money I get from my relatives or whom ever
  • @Sandy-ij4hb
    I feel like we’re able to sympathize with both sides of the story, she’s not a bad daughter and she’s not a bad mom
  • @lunartidee
    The girl doesn't have attitude, she's dealing with a lot of problems teens go through at her age, and she feels like she's getting attacked instead of given privacy or just having conversations, I understand her, and the way the mom almost took her phone, that's way worse, I appreciate the guy with the glasses too, he's actually very understanding
  • @olgak4446
    Woah so many perfect children in the comments lol yes she’s acting up, yes her parents are lenient but why pretend like you’ve never been through puberty and felt down/ misunderstood/lonely? Do you want golden star sticker for that?
  • @taeyongsarang
    I think most people who are in this comment section dont know that her mother is an actress and also YouTuber. I think Subin is just tired and was not in mood. I used to be like that too when I was her age. Your words are too harsh guys even comparing to the way yourself did to your own mom. It's different. There are many good perspective Subin shows to people like she always want to make contents whenever her mom told her. Like we don't know whether she is mood or not at that time bcs usually people around her age would spend time with their friends and study. But she still willingly make contents in front of camera. So my advice to these "well behaved kid" netizens in this comment section to mind their own business and left nice comments instead of judging Subin like this or like that.
  • @tUiDo4
    A lot of people are commenting about how the daughter should be more understanding of the mom, but honestly I see where the daughter is coming from… sometimes you just want your own space, and peace, to figure out what YOU want and with a parents who’s always asking you “what’s wrong”, it makes it harder for you to know what’s wrong. So you just end up getting more angry… I’m not saying the mom intentions come from a wrong place, no, I’m just saying sometimes when your kids ask for that space, give them that space, that’s something my parents failed to give me, so for that reason, I rebelled a lot.
    She doesn't realize how lucky she is to have such an understanding and kind mother.