Eternals: Too Ambitious For Its Own Good

Published 2021-11-13

All Comments (21)
  • @ladygaygay94
    “Sersi is more of a tourist than a protagonist” OH MY GOD THAT PERFECTLY SUMS UP MY THOUGHTS ABOUT HER LMAOOO
  • @oliviaketheesan
    when ikaris was thinking about how he loved sersi so he couldn't kill her, the fact that he was only thinking about the only scenes they showed before and not one moment from the supposed 5000 they spent together is hilarious
  • @janedoe2343
    The absolute best part of the movie was Druig saying "My beautiful, beautiful Makkari. Did you miss me?" They had a few scenes together yet they had way more chemistry than the main couple...
  • @kkelseym
    I'm honestly surprised that Disney even thought it'd be a good idea to introduce 10 characters and their individual storylines in ONE 2 hour film especially considering how hard they've been pushing Disney+ Marvel tv shows. Like they have the perfect platform and a lot of hype about the tv shows but still went forward with this.
  • @cole6245
    I feel like this would have been better as a Disney+ show. It could have fleshed out characters and motives some more.
  • @MS-ik7ht
    And Druig/Makkari with just a few interactions now and then had more chemistry than Sersi/Ikaris, which is crazy considering their relationship was one of the main focus of the movie.
  • @daneroberts1996
    I have a hard time seeing the Eternals as belonging to the MCU, like if I saw them in a scene with another marvel character they would feel very out of place.
  • I totally agree with everything you said! Talking on how they act more like coworkers, I found it so frustrating when in-fighting occurred they didn't act smartly against others' abilities. If you're going to bind big-laser eye guy to the ground, be aware they have laser eyes. They act like they've only been working together for a week rather than an era
  • I felt more attached to Makkari and Druig’s storyline than Ikras and Sersi’s. And they were the main characters
  • @LucasPucas
    Could you imagine if Eternals was a show, and we got a Time’s-Arrow-style episode that takes place entirely inside Thena’s shattered mind, at the end of which she finally achieves clarity and the true nature of the Celestials is revealed? That would have been incredible.
  • @sofarle
    This entire movie was held together by how hard each of the actors were trying to make it work. Props to them for giving it their all from a script with as many holes as swiss cheese
  • I want to see a longer cut of Eternals, I feel like if this movie was 3-4 hour long it could have done the story justice
  • @ShortHax
    Sprite’s refreshing lemon-lime powers was my favourite part of the movie
  • @daneroberts1996
    At the start, when Kit Harrington was asking Sersi if she was a wizard, when he said "Sprite keeps calling you a wizard" at that point I didn't know Sprite was a character, and thought that there were glasses of Sprite whispering "Sersi's a wizard" to him in restaurants 😂
  • @doc.0171
    11:16 EXCUSE ME. Druig had one of the most emotional stories of the eternals because he literally had the power to stop conflict and he wasn't allowed to because it would mess with humans free will, the amount of humanity and free will he has not to use his power across the entire planet is emphized through the actors performance, then by the end of the movie he the eternal to control the unimind pitches in to save the planet; opinions are opinions but you did ask, so...Druig had a story.
  • The strangest part of the movie to me is that even though its so long and there's so much exposition, a lot of it is pointless. Like they say the same thing over and over again, we have a scene of eternals discovering their true purpose and being mildly annoyed about it like 5 times. Even that opening title crawl is useless because all the information that is told to us in that title crawl, is told again in the scene directly after it. I feel if it took a lot of this repition and spent that developing the characters in different ways, it would've been a lot better. Side note I think another thing that would greatly improve the movie is if it was in chronological order, switching back and forth between past and present doesn't serve any purpose whatsoever besides giving us the Icarus killed the leader twist near the end. But I feel like if we knew Icarus was evil the whole time, that would build up the suspense in the scenes that he's in, it would've also made the leader's death more impactful because we don't really get scenes of her until after she's dead.
  • @shr1mpsush1
    "Eternals, like Batman V. Superman, is a movie that tries to shove an entire season' worth of television into a two hour movie." Holy shit, Eternals is basically The Last Airbender.
  • I like seeing your face for once, in a not still-shot. Nice glasses.
  • @elocin22791
    To be honest, while I thought that the movie had quite a lot of problems (Sersei and Ikaris’s inexplicable romance, the lack of Kro’s use in the movie, the odd pacing and a bit too much exposition), I still enjoyed and appreciated what the movie was trying to do and am excited to see where they go with the Eternals in the future. Like everyone else has mentioned, Gilgamesh and Thena, Druig and Makkari have more chemistry than the main two leads.
  • Coming to the movie, I feel like it fell flat because the characters were still very new to us but we were forced to care about them. Like Avengers was quite a basic superhero movie, it did not have some super awesome never seen before plot or something, but we loved it because we were attached to the characters. Hell, I was so attached to Tony that MCU ended for me after Endgame. And I did not watch anything after that but after being forced to watch No Way Home, I was so compelled that I binge-watched WandaVision, Loki, Black Widow, Falcon, and the Winter Soldier and Eternals all in 3 days. All because Spiderman is a well-fleshed-out character, and even if he was put through stuff I don't agree with, it brought me back to things I loved about Marvel. But Eternals made me feel so underwhelmed like something was wrong and I kept telling myself that it was my own high expectations that are making me feel this way. But after seeing your analysis, I feel like it does make more sense in being underwhelmed. This was very much Disney's brand of larger-than-life fairytale family is important bullshit than the kind of stuff Marvel usually puts out. They could've made Sersi the best kind of female protagonist who is feminine and delicate while being badass and powerful and frankly, I absolutely hate that lost potential. Really hope they redeem it somehow, tho it is very difficult to see how they would do it.