Why Are We Vegan? Our Stories + Before & After

Published 2018-01-31
Today we are sharing with you parts of our past + why we both decided to go vegan as we have two completely different stories. Thank you for taking the time to listen, we love you guys!

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⋇ Our NEW vegan recipe ebook: bit.ly/Planting-Our-Roots

⋇ recipe blog: bit.ly/SSV-Blog
⋇ instagrams: Jasmine bit.ly/SSV-IG Chris bit.ly/CC-IG
⋇ merchandise: bit.ly/SSV-Shop-Vegetaryn (use code "sweetsimplevegan" for 10% off our shop and all of Vegetaryn!)
⋇ facebook: bit.ly/SSV-Facebook

❊ - Things we love! - ❊
⋇ Vegan Meal Plans: bit.ly/SSVplantmealplanner (10% discount: sweetsimplevegan)
⋇ Discounted Groceries from Thrive Market bit.ly/SSV-Thrive and iHerb bit.ly/SSV-iHerb
⋇ ANI Brand: bit.ly/anibrand (Use "sweetsimplevegan" and $5 will be donated to Mercy for Animals!)

⋇ Vlogging Camera: amzn.to/1QDH3cU
⋇ Recipe Videos & Photography: amzn.to/2k3PFWQ
⋇ Recipe videos edited by Ray Dippiloto www.facebook.com/nerdcoreshow/
⋇ Music: soundcloud.com/gbeats

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All Comments (21)
  • @sarahdee374
    I was vegetarian for 40 years, and now vegan for 4 years. I LOVE eating this way for so many reasons. Now Universe, I'm so ready to meet MY vegan life partner!! Any time now!!
  • @labella42071
    I just love how genuinely interested he is in what she has to say. It’s beautiful!
  • @CatherinStadele
    I actually went vegan overnight because my blood results came out sooo bad. High cholesterol, high triglycerides, and my liver was working three times as much. It's been 6 months now being vegan and I'm incredibly happy about my blood results. It's so true what you said though, anyone can be vegan. I come from a Hispanic background and there's literally meat on every meal. So it is possible!!
  • @xweesnawx8x
    I am Mexican living in a meat loving household. I have completely given up meat for a year now and am transitioning into veganism. It really is doable, obviously not the easiest thing in the world but when are the right choices ever the easiest
  • @kaycibacker8278
    it's funny how growing up, meat, dairy, and processed foods were staples in my diet; I always said I'd NEVER see myself going vegetarian/vegan. Now I don't even miss it and thrive on a vegan diet. I loved hearing your stories! <3
  • @reachtrita
    Your stories warm my heart <3 I picked up a vegetarian society pamphlet that was in a Chinese restaurant. I was intrigued but didn’t quite understand what I was supposed to do. I looked up animal cruelty KFC on google a week later (a decade ago, a customer where I worked at mentioned this to me), so I found the slaughterhouse footage. I was crushed and heartbroken to see how the animals die. Next morning I announced to my family that we are not buying anymore animal products for the reason that I’ve seen in videos. So my husband and my son went along with me, and it’s been five incredible years now! :) We started by veganizing one meal at a time not knowing there are vegan communities online or any vegan recipes to follow. I wish I knew about all the support, but we didn’t have any problems at all, just that I learned about everything a bit slower than I would like.
  • I'm vegetarian, don't eat wheat/gluten, eggs, drink milk. It's not like I eat cheese or ice cream often tons, and there are tons of vegan options. Considering becoming vegan. Thanks for the video!
  • @Thevietvegan
    So incredible to see how veganism impacted your lives and brought y'all together. I remember meeting you for the first time just after you and Chris met! Y'all cute and thank you for sharing your journey and story 🤗
  • @BettyHorn
    After losing down to 98 pounds (I'm 5' 5") my doctor told me I was dying of severe malnutrition. I thought I was eating healthy (paleo) and I was eating a LOT! So I re-evaluated my diet. Then hubby and I watched Forks Over Knives and we went vegan the next day. Soon I began to gain weight and started to feel a little better. Then my doctor told me that I was allergic to animal products! That's why I was so sick. I am now much healthier, no longer going blind (one of the problems of malnutrition) and I only wish I'd known about this a long time ago. I'm almost 63 years old, so it just goes to show that it's never too late! Thanks for your video and thanks for asking!
  • @scarcrash13
    My husband and I went vegan the exact same day as you!!! January 1 2013! High five for 5 years!!!
  • @solkhaitas531
    I was a vegetarian for about 8 years before actually starting to think about dairy and eggs—I obviously knew that they weren't great but the cruelty of it all never really set in until last year. I was complacent and happy not eating animals without realizing that I was financially contributing to their torture. So just about a month ago it all clicked for me and I went fully vegan. Before that I had cut it out almost completely but I finally told myself that that was it. You guys totally helped inspire me to do that so thanks for all the awesome activism you do!
  • @Janet_Price
    Eating disorders are about control - when we don't feel safe with life, we use food as a way to control our world. My eating disorder began in college and ended much later in life. As I learned how to communicate with words and express my feelings, my control with food slowly dissipated. My family refused to talk about my eating disorder and to this day my three sisters do not communicate well at all. Vegan helped me in my relationship with food - I didn't have to count calories or eat in moderation to feel healthy. Everything I eat is healthy and good for my body. Thanks so much for this video - it will help so many people.
  • I went vegetarian in October of 2016 immediately after watching Food Inc. in my sociology class. Then I gradually became vegan by summer of 2017 through watching youtubers like you, Amanda, Maddie Lymburner, and Caitlyn! Hands down the best decision of my life, I have never felt so in tune with the world and my true self before.
  • Lovely story from the both of you ❤️ I am 57 years old and went vegan 6 years ago. It was watching Forks over knives and was life changing for me and my husband. It's a beautiful lifestyle. 😍
  • @miaisheree
    ❤️❤️ my 1 month challenge to try veganism after the holidays 2 years ago turned me into a vegan for the rest of my life! Never looking back
  • @legohandsliz
    It took me a little longer than you guys, but I love hearing these stories! I went vegan just before my 36th birthday last summer and it's the best thing I've ever done. It took a while for the all the facts to click in my brain, but finally it culminated with reading a story about this lady's kid who was raised vegan and didn't realize burgers were made from cows until he finally asked for McDonald's one day and she had to explain it to him. As soon as I read that his response was, "But mommy, them have eyes. Don't they know that cows are people too?" ...it was over for me. From the mouth of babes, right?
  • Thank you for sharing your vegan stories! I’m just starting out and it was so encouraging to hear that it takes time & to be patient with the process. My story. When I was about 8 years old, I watched my Mom cut up a whole chicken. As I watched, I saw the similarities between the chicken’s body structure and mine. I was told that eating meat was necessary for our health. Since then, I’ve been a mom and cooked meat for my family. In the past month I’ve learned that scientific research shows that vegans have much better health than omnivores which is why I became a vegan. Thank you also for your recipes! !! They are so creative and delicious!!!
  • @purplelayne6069
    Veganism is so encompassing! My veganism is my moral compass and directs every part of my life! That is why people should understand the difference between plant based vs veganism.
  • @RachelRambles
    Jasmine I had no idea - I have been watching your channel forever and I never would have thought that was your background! I'm so glad you found your answer and consider yourself recovered <3 I went vegan a few months ago but I had a very similar experience to you (like literally at the same time bc I graduated high school in 2011 too). Now I just focus on helping others recover and make peace with their bodies and the world while also loving coming at veganism from a much healthier perspective. So glad you're better now, thank you for sharing!
  • @happilyahippie
    Thank you for sharing! It has been 6 months so far since I've been eating a plant based diet. I gave up meat, dairy, and eggs overnight after watching What the Health. I had also been struggling with my own mental health issues at the time and wanted to make some positive changes in my life. I feel a lot happier with the food I eat, I have more energy, and have learned a lot about how to create meals and adapting my favorite foods like certain filipino dishes into vegan friendly meals. I thought I was only going to try it out for a month, then it became 3, then 6, and aiming to make it to a year 😊