AP Precalculus is a big mistake... here's why

Published 2023-12-24
Recently, Collegeboard added a new AP class to the roster. A math AP class. It's AP Precalculus. And uh, there was no point of this class being an AP class and today I question Collegeboard for why they even created this class (other than the obvious answer of a cash grab). This video is a joke (kinda) and all AP classes are awesome so take them if you want to.

We even have a text channel dedicated to hating on AP Precalc (it's awesome).

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#ap #highschool #apclasses

Have a fantastic day :)

All Comments (21)
  • @adenshalala9265
    Fun fact. The AP test was nothing like the practice test they sent out.
  • To be fair, I'm in AP Precalc, and the 3 units are some BIG units. Like 15 topics per unit. It's similar in volume of content to other AP classes. They're just divided up differently. (I do agree that having a random 4th untested unit is stupid though)
  • @Task32
    My math teacher rn said that this class was actually primarily for people who AREN'T taking AP Calc. He said it was a good way for students who are behind on math/improving from a much lower skill floor to get a somewhat advanced math credit in for their senior year.
  • @nicholasrui2008
    unpopular opinion but the good thing about AP precalc (idk if it was intentional) was that it provides a solid and STANDARDIZED base for one of the hardest APs, AP calculus. This would make students who take ap calc much more comfortable with the content. yes, the exam is a scam but students have the option to not take it. being in a precalculus class designed by the same organization that designs AP calculus is valuable to have.
  • It’s kinda insane how the first two units are Algebra 2 copy and paste. But you get to the trig unit and suddenly we’re moving at rabbit pace and it’s so much info crammed at once. I failed my very first test in highschool due to this class, but luckily test corrections came for the win
  • @milkflowers932
    Sophmore AP pre-calc student here! My school actually discontinued our accelerated Pre-calc course so it was either general or AP, and I took ap because I wanted the GPA (and slight ego) boost, and man.... was that a mistake. I haven't always been the strongest in math, but I was seriously struggling in pre-calc and it didn't help that my teacher wasn't that good either!! I'm totally stressed for the AP exams but I heard that since it's the first exam they're curving the grades by A LOT, so that gives me some hope, but the practice questions are so confusing I'm still worried I won't do well on the test :((
  • @tandemdwarf745
    Ah, AP Precalc. A class that helped my school district completely gut the math curriculum. Our school starts late in the year, so we can't do all of BC calc before the test; thus, our math teacher had Honors Pre Calc w/ Derivatives (most of Calc A) to bridge the gap to BC, and normal precalc for those going into AB. After AP Precalculus was summoned from the unholy realm of profit motivated business decisions, our school district forced the teacher to cut HPC w/ D so they could replace it with AP PC, which means our school district has effectively killed BC, lowered the quality of math education available, and made it impossible to go into calc without shelling out exhorbitant test fees twice. Truly one of the classes of all time.
  • @holyshitzu17
    Taking AP Pre Calc rn, and I’m honestly struggling. Mind you I’m not the best at math, but I’m worried for the exams ngl. My teacher is one of those flipped classrooms, so it’s even harder to understand topics sometimes. Any tips for studying or tutoring sites?
  • @delila141
    as a sophomore in AP precalc i completely agree with you. it's useless. the only reason i'm taking the class is because my school stopped offering honors precalc when they introduced AP. the choice was regular or AP, so i took AP for a challenge and a GPA boost, which i'm not mad about because the class has been fairly easy for me. when we had to register for exams earlier in the year, I chose not to because it's really just stupid, at least in my situation. I knew it would be a waste of money, time, AND effort, because im taking calc next year anyway, which overrides it. so yeah, if you're planning to take AP precalc next year, think about if you REALLY want to/have a reason to take the exam...if you're taking AP calc afterwards, you for sure shouldn't.
  • @fazebugatti988
    my teacher was a living robot, so monotone and even he thought it was a waste. our 1st semester actually was tests and units from accel precalc
  • @oraangee
    just took the AP precalc test. it was very easy! in my school district AP exams are free, and i think APPC will prepare me for Ap Calc ABBC next year
  • @ice9152
    Just to add my two cents, I attend a charter school in which any fees for AP Exams are covered by the school (which im so glad). I’m a sophomore, and I would’ve taken Honors Precalculus, but luckily, the AP came out, so thats a plus for me. As for the rigor, it’s definitely an easier AP, especially for me with my prior Algebra 2 knowledge the year before. So in my experience, I don’t have much reason to hate it, especially since the teacher is preparing us so well. I can see why it’s not liked though, it’s a joke.
  • @trshbndit
    another reason some people don’t know, more students at least at my high school, have been opting for classes at the junior college which offer legitimate college credit compared to college credit that relates to a test score. My high school has now set a limit on how many college classes someone can take.
  • @MiasGoingViral
    ap precal is so hard 😭😭😭 like i did amazing in the class but the actual ap style questions are so hard and i don't know what its asking. Also my state covers 3 AP classes that are math, science, or language. So it doesn't cost me anything
  • @Shaia_TeamLCE
    My school pays for AP exams thankfully, and the only reason I’d rather take AP Pre-calc next year instead of regular is because I started learning ahead in November, and given my current pace I’ll have self-learned Pre-Calc and most of Calculus AB. So AP will give me hopefully at least a bit more of a challenge and additional knowledge!
  • Junior ap pre calc student here, 97 in the class and don’t find the class that hard… it’s just memory and constant learning to understand complex questions. Tips for any struggling students before the test is flash cards, YouTube, khan academy, and college board resources!