"Both Sides Attacked Me!" Slavoj Zizek on the Israel and Palestine Conflict.

Published 2023-11-15
The 'most dangerous philosopher in the West' diagnoses our current geopolitical nightmare and offer an urgent and radical call to action.

We hear all the time that we're moments from doomsday. Around us, crises interlock and escalate, threatening our collective survival. Protestors and politicians repeatedly call for action, but still we continue to drift towards disaster. We need to do something. But what if the only way for us to prevent catastrophe is to accept that we're already five minutes past zero hour?

All Comments (21)
  • @mangrovebenzel
    What gives me hope: That Zizek is so popular in these times.
  • @Bat0u89
    "Both sides attacked me!" Sounds like something that would happen to Zizek when he opens his mouth 😂😂😂😂
  • @omrigilkis5016
    This man deserves respect and gets condemnation instead... I hope he experiences enough acknowledgement that the negative is outshined by the positive
  • @roeydah
    I’m an Israeli. I clearly support zizek. Thank you for your reasonable opinion on these wild days.
  • @allegory6393
    Thinking from the other's point of view was not unknown to European antiquity. Herodotus talks about other peoples' customs in terms of 'weirdness' (and even 'abomination', like a peoples, from the region that is today Crimea, funereal practices of eating their dead), but not without pausing and reflecting afterward that they too (these remore others) may equally be disturbed by 'our' customs, find 'us' weird (also allowing for the possibility that from their point of view 'our' burying or burning the dead on a pyre may be considered 'reprehensible'). And let us not mention tragedies where not only is the other not dehumanised but it is seen as having an equally powerful claim. Descartes comes after a long line of acknowledging the other.
  • @narczilla
    “mrbeastified slavoj zizek thumbnail is not real, it can’t hurt you” mrbeastified slavoj zizek thumbnail:
  • @thunbergmartin
    Love you Zizek always happy to hear you talking, and if anyone caught the slip; Queen Christina was a monarch in Swedish. Happy monad folks!
  • @pierrefaucon2875
    The funny thing is that when Person A accuses Person B of relativizing when they are contextualizing is just Person A recognizing their sympathies with one of the parties in the contextualization, the one they don't want there to be sympathies with. They understand how thing came to be with the full context but they don't want to understand how things came to be in the full context, they want to be justified with their own narrow context.
  • @blugreen99
    Always listen to what both sides dont talk about!
  • @liborsionko
    If both sides have unreasonable expectations, and they attack you, perhaps you can conclude your position is reasonable.
  • Mr Slavoj , in the beginning of 20th century the number of jews in Palestine did not ecceed 5% and the british who controlled Palestine at thet time encouraged jews emigration to Palestine until they proclaimed a state and expelled most of Palestinians. The jews were discriminated in Europe but the arabs had ( and still doing) to pay the price .
  • @anasgheith.9076
    Both sides of a conflict having similar impulses, does not mean that both are driven by subjective sensibility. A just peson believing in his cause is also deeply passionate.
  • @Mahmuang
    The second most famous Yugoslav after Tesla. Elon Musk should name his rocket to Mars after this man.
  • @janekmundt579
    Since peace has to be a compromise, that just validates Zizeks thoughts
  • @samlazar1053
    Slavoj is correct. The antisemitic strategy today goes something. Like this.We love Israel and the Jews...in Israel not here
    Religious fundamentalism on both sides means peace is impossible, Let's be honest, this is now a full-on religious war. Netanyahu can say what he likes about fighting terrorism, about protection for international Jewry etc etc but in reality, he just dreams of reclaiming the Biblical Israel on religious grounds. Meanwhile Hamas have religious dream of turning Isreal/ Palestine into a caliphate where Jews, Muslims and Christians live under Islamic laws. The dream to recreate Moorish Spain in the holy land. Both dreams have their potency, their seductive magnetism, hence their refusal to compromise or to fade away. Two dreams that have turned into the perfect nightmare,
  • @okaytoletgo
    "Hammas is a horrible thing". For a writer, whose written so much, you'd think he would know to NOT even form such a vague utterance; doesn't help.
  • @mangrovebenzel
    How is it possible that people condemn differentiation and contextualizing so much?