The Coolest Things Sound Waves Do

Published 2013-07-20
Sound waves are all around us, and when harnessed, can do some super cool things. Trace looks at a few ways we're using the power of sound waves to our advantage.

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Sound Waves Levitate, Move Particles…
"People have been able to levitate small objects using sound for years. But applications for the technique are severely limited because scientists hadn't figured out how to control and manipulate the floating objects. Until now."

Sensitivity of Human Ear…
"It is capable of detecting pressure variations of less than one billionth of atmospheric pressure."

How Submarines Work…
"Submarines are incredible pieces of technology. Not so long ago, a naval force worked entirely above the water; with the addition of the s­ubmarine to the standard naval arsenal, the world below the surface became a battleground as well."

Top 10 Amazing Uses for Sound…
"Wherever we go, we're surrounded by sounds. Although we usually we take them for granted, they can sometimes be used in ways we didn't expect."

How Bats Work
"In the last section, we saw that the unique wing structure of bats gives them a great deal of flight maneuverability."

How Ultrasound Works
"There are ma­ny reasons to g­et an ultrasound. Perhaps you're pregnant, and your obstetrician wants you to have an ultrasound to check on the developing baby or determine the due date."

Could A Sonic Weapon Make Your Head Explode?…
"There's an elevator in the Brown University Biomed building (hopefully fixed by now) that I've heard called "the elevator to hell," not because of destination but because there is a bent blade in the overhead fan."

How LRAD Works
"In November 2005, pirates attacked the cruise ship Seabourn Spirit off the coast of Somalia."

Watch More:
Silence Drives You Crazy:
   • Total Silence Drives You Crazy  
Plants Can Hear You:
   • Plants Can Hear You!  
All About Aurora Borealis:
   • Aurora Borealis - Don't Be Dumb  


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All Comments (21)
  • @GayIdol
    So you're saying that the sound weapon really hertz?
  • @veggiet2009
    Suddenly the Doctor pointing his "screwdriver" like a gun doesn't seem so silly
  • @Levandetag
    this is Why being able to Chose which Sound and Frequences around us we need or want to be in, is so Important.
  • @blankearth5840
    “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” —Nikola Tesla
  • @jameswymer1011
    The 19 Hz weapon isn't ultrasonic. Ultrasound waves are high frequency (above 20kHz) not low frequency. Low frequency sound waves would be infrasonic. Also, the energy of sound waves will break a wine glass regardless of frequency if they are intense enough. It is simply easier to do so with the glass' resonant frequency because the motion of the glass amplifies the effect.
  • @GrayShark09
    Imagine the sound levitation technology used in 3D printers, and moving molecules or individual atoms in place to build complex structures; we could have replicators in the near future.
  • @Joso997
    If a person is born deaf, which language do they think in?
  • @MrGamefan77
    I like the levitating ones because it gives me hope we will make hover crafts in the future.
  • @zumoku7299
    love the levitation, so much more possibilities 
  • @mjt11860
    @2:23, a correction is needed here. ultra low frequencies r known as infrasonic sound, not ultrasonic. ultrasonic is the extreme opposite. other than that, fascinating video.
  • Sounds below the audible frequency range (< 20 Hz) are termed "infrasound" not ultrasound (>20,000 Hz). 1Hz = 1 cycle per second.
  • @mcsdaver
    No, man is at his best when he finds ways to save lives and make life better.
  • @fredrik1417
    My favourite type of sound is the ones that you can physically feel on your body. Like 2000W 30Hz on the chest :)
  • @xilefx
    wow there was so much new in this video I didn't know!!
  • @1acroyear1
    Well back in the 90's they found a way to use sound to create low temperatures. That's actually what I came here looking for- a sonic fridge.