Which SCP Object Class Are You? ASMR

Published 2022-06-19
You are an anomaly of unknown origin and power being contained at an SCP Foundation facility, where one of the doctors performs a routine series of observations and tests to determine your classification, and what might trigger your anomalous qualities.

The SCP Foundation: scp-wiki.wikidot.com/

My SCP ASMR Playlist:    • SCP ASMR Videos  

00:00:00 The Foundation's Special Concoction
00:01:19 So Many Questions
00:02:44 The Recording & Translation Devices
00:04:00 Why You Are Being Contained
00:06:50 Class: Safe
00:09:13 Class: Euclid
00:11:05 Class: Keter
00:12:04 Class: Thaumiel
00:13:10 (Class: Neutralized)
00:13:50 Class: Apollyon
00:15:13 Class: Archon
00:17:40 Initial Observations & Notes
00:24:36 Obtaining Your Measurements
00:32:48 Making a Sketch of You
00:40:59 The Trigger Words Test
00:52:21 A Visual Examination
00:54:16 What Is Your Purpose?
00:55:43 The Doctor's Locked Box
00:59:36 The Poking & Prodding Test
01:03:00 The Hand Movements Test
01:06:23 Obtaining a Material Sample
01:09:43 The Audio Triggers Test
01:17:00 Concluding the Session
01:18:16 Final Notes
01:21:41 [REDACTED]
01:25:00 Until Next Time...

Channel Playlists: youtube.com/c/EphemeralRift/playlists?view=1&sort=…

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All Comments (21)
  • @doggowhoasked
    SCP XXXX - The Viewer. Object Class - Apollyon. The Viewer does not have a set look, or shape. They varies randomly, and is not known yet what is the factor. The viewer seems to be able to go into another dimension, where they can fast forward or rewind our universe. They also claim to be able to change “videos.” We believe they are referring to different timelines. The subject in question cannot be contained. It can always go to this other dimension, and just, rewind. They should be left to their own ammends. Just because we have classed them as Apollyon, does not mean that they will end the world. Containment class does not define the danger of the individual. The Viewer is not physically hostile in any way.
  • @sneakyreads
    For the last time, I’m your coworker, Bob. Not an SCP.
  • @melonpulse4833
    SCP-8987, Dr Rift. Object class: Thaumiel Object description: SCP-8987 has the appearance of a man appearing to be in his late 40s. SCP-8987 currently uses the name Dr Rift, and works within the foundation. SCP-8987 's main purpose within the foundation is to sedate potentially dangerous anomalies, lulling them into a relaxed state. SCP-8987 has the anomalous ability to relax even the most aggressive entities in an instant using his voice. This has proven useful in determining the class of dangerous anomalies and containment.
  • I like it when he raises his left eyebrow. It is so perfectly tilted, that an imaginary skateboard could ride down it with ease. Such a parable, such an arc.
  • @thorrogers541
    Doctor Rift has the anomalous ability to put all the scp's that he visits to sleep. this has proven to be extremely useful to the foundation, which is why they moved him out of containment and to become a doctor once he showed he was willing to join the foundation.
  • @tanker_cheese57
    Safe: touch no bad Euclid: touch maybe bad Keter: touch bad Thaumiel: keep other thing locked Neutralized: dead Apollyon: touch end world Archon: no keep maybe end world
  • @MrSockZa1st
    Safe Safe-class SCPs are anomalies that are easily and safely contained. This is often due to the fact that the Foundation has researched the SCP well enough that containment does not require significant resources or that the anomalies require a specific and conscious activation or trigger. Classifying an SCP as Safe, however, does not mean that handling or activating it does not pose a threat. Euclid Euclid-class SCPs are anomalies that require more resources to contain completely or where containment isn't always reliable. Usually this is because the SCP is insufficiently understood or inherently unpredictable. Euclid is the Object Class with the greatest scope, and it's usually a safe bet that an SCP will be this class if it doesn't easily fall into any of the other standard Object Classes. As a note, any SCP that's autonomous, sentient and/or sapient is generally classified as Euclid, due to the inherent unpredictability of an object that can act or think on its own. Keter Keter-class SCPs are anomalies that are exceedingly difficult to contain consistently or reliably, with containment procedures often being extensive and complex. The Foundation often can't contain these SCPs well due to not having a solid understanding of the anomaly, or lacking the technology to properly contain or counter it. A Keter SCP does not mean the SCP is dangerous, just that it is simply very difficult or costly to contain. Thaumiel Thaumiel-class SCPs are anomalies that the Foundation specifically uses to contain other SCPs. Even the mere existence of Thaumiel-class objects is classified at the highest levels of the Foundation and their locations, functions, and current status are known to few Foundation personnel outside of the O5 Council. Neutralized Neutralized SCPs are anomalies that are no longer anomalous, either through having been intentionally or accidentally destroyed, or disabled. Apollyon Apollyon-class SCPs are anomalies that cannot be contained, are expected to breach containment imminently, or some other similar scenario. Such anomalies are usually associated with world-ending threats or a K-Class Scenario of some kind and require a massive effort from the Foundation to deal with. Archon Archon-class SCPs are anomalies that could theoretically be contained but are best left uncontained for some reason. Archon SCPs may be a part of consensus reality that is difficult to fully contain or may have adverse effects if put into containment. These SCPs are not uncontainable—the defining feature of the class is that the Foundation chooses to not put the anomaly into containment. Non-Standard Object Classes The following Object Classes are sub-classes that supplement the object's primary (or former) classification. Explained Explained SCPs are commonly articles about anomalies that are completely and fully understood to the point where their effects are now explainable by mainstream science or phenomena that have been debunked or falsely mistaken as an anomaly. Pending SCP articles that have not yet been assigned an object class may be labelled as Pending. This is used to indicate that the Foundation is actively researching the anomaly, but doesn't have enough information yet to give it an object class. This is a deliberate decision to emphasise that a story is ongoing, and isn't the same as the author not knowing which object class to assign! Esoteric/Narrative Classes Esoteric Object Classes, also occasionally referred to as Narrative classes, are Object classes that do not fall into any of the above sections. They are generally only used once and are created to further the narrative in a particular SCP. It is highly recommended that SCPs use one of the standard Object Classes listed here. While some authors choose to introduce exceptions to these rules, they are only very rarely done and need to justify their existence and placement. Many site members will downvote for non-standard Object Classes if used without merit. For a comprehensive list of Esoteric Object Classes and the articles that use them, click here. Decommissioned Decommissioned SCPs are an Object Class that was used by senior staff in the past to not only delete unwanted articles but place them in a sort of "Wall of Shame" to serve as examples of what not to do. This Object Class is not used anymore. Decommissioning articles is not done anymore, partly because such heavy-handed edits by SCP staff are no longer allowed and partly because decommissioning ended up backfiring. See the History of the Universe Hub for more historical information about Decommissioned SCPs and their usage in the past. Object Class FAQ What is the Locked Box Test? The Locked Box Test is an informal guideline used to determine an object's most appropriate Object Class. It goes like this: If you lock it in a box, leave it alone, and nothing bad will happen, then it's probably Safe. If you lock it in a box, leave it alone, and you're not entirely sure what will happen, then it's probably Euclid. If you lock it in a box, leave it alone, and it easily escapes, then it's probably Keter. If it is the box, then it's probably Thaumiel. If you can't fit it in a box and it's about to end the world, then it's probably Apollyon. If you could have locked it in a box but chose not to, then it's probably Archon. Note that as a special consideration, something that is autonomous, alive, and/or sapient is almost always at least Euclid-class. That is, if you lock a living thing in a box and forget about it, it will eventually suffocate or starve to death, and that's not a good outcome. Something that is intelligent could also end up being smart enough to outwit its containment procedures and/or stop cooperating with the Foundation's attempts to contain it, making it more dangerous than it otherwise might be. What if I find an SCP that is the wrong Object Class? The Object Classes are intentionally left vague as to not limit the author's creative freedom; a rigid, defined system of classes might hinder an author's ability to write the way they would want to, and as such multiple proposals to create better-defined systems in the past have been turned down by SCP Wiki staff. If you find an SCP article that you feel might be inappropriately classified, feel free to raise discussion on the topic and see what other community members think. If the explanation is not to your satisfaction, then feel free to express your opinion on the matter and vote accordingly on the page. If an SCP is very dangerous should its Object Class be higher? No, danger does not really affect an SCP's Object Class. As has been reiterated several times above this, an item's Object Class is more based on the difficulty of containment rather than the danger it otherwise poses. For example, a button that can destroy the entire universe when it's pressed would be safe, whereas a cat who randomly switches places with another cat anywhere on earth would be considered Keter.
  • @Frozenflame006
    I love how sometimes ASMR like these "get" you. Here I was, listening to this in the background while I did other things (gotta keep up with the Rift-verse after all), and at 46:00 ER: "Exterminate. Exterminate." Me: drawn back in and looks to video "What, am I a Dalek?" ER: "Did I detect some slight movement there?" Me: sweats
  • I love how this guy casually drinking radiation is telling me I'm an anomaly
  • @Ajinic
    I like the SCP ones. I don't know basically anything about the SCP universe, but being examined like a potentially dangerous thing feels exciting
  • “50% radioactive isotopes” Essentially, nuclear powered humans Also, he got a microphone upgrade. Rift sounds even better than I remember!
  • @SnowLily123
    18:37 “Anything you need, just ask and we’ll take care of you.” Me: “Can I go home?” The foundation: ”Anything except for that.”
  • @bethtapen3149
    I've had the "What Kind of SCP are you?" basically on repeat for the last few weeks (and it's been one of my favorites since it came out) so this is just perfect! Great video as always!
  • "A 60 degree angle! Unthinkable! UnSPEAKable! The implications this might have on our world!" I have never giggled so hard at an ASMR video, thank you for this 😂
  • @HA11EYS_COM3T
    About the radioactive tea, don't forget about the minor permanent non-physical brain damage.
  • @michii-
    I would like to consider myself 'Not Cow'. That aside, the time and effort put into these videos is phenomenal
  • @GrayVMhan
    I just realized you've been doing this for like ten years, found this channel when I was 15 and I'll be turning 25 in a couple of months. Thanks for bring a stable source of relaxation and inspiration through the tail end of my youth!
  • I love how this guy can make asmr so interesting while being so calming and relaxing. All of the gimmicks he does are very unique and fun, for sure my favorite asmrist
  • @damnation6713
    Man, I hope the SCP series comes back at one point. It doesn't necessarily need to be ASMR at this point, I'm genuinely interested in where this goes.
  • @damnation6713
    When you wanna go to sleep because it's great ASMR but you wanna stay awake for the lore.