Group 2 BSCPE 4A Embedded Systems

Published 2023-01-28
Have you ever waited in a line, and at some point someone cut in front of you,
making the line move more slowly and made you wait longer? There are many different line
cutters, some with valid reasons and some without, but generally, they are all infuriating as it is
rude and unethical. To address this problem an IOT Based Anti Line-Cutters Floor Mat
prototype was developed by Group 2 of BSCpE 4A.

Two DIY pressure sensors are placed along the sides of a queueing area. Once a person steps on it, it triggers the ESP32-CAM to take a picture. This is then uploaded to remote storage which is fetched by a monitoring web app. Every time a new picture is uploaded, the app notifies whoever is monitoring the system with a sound alarm. The user can then check the photo in the web app as well as turn off the alarm.

The system is composed of an ESP32-CAM, a DC to DC SPDT relay, two DIY pressure sensors which are made of illustration board and aluminum foil, and two 5V power supplies. The web app was developed using flutter and firebase.

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