Is the Fall of Satan really described in the Bible?

Published 2020-02-10
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"Does the Bible tell us how Satan fell?"
Dr. Peter Gentry answers in Honest Answers | Episode 91

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All Comments (21)
  • @squidified674
    What many in the comments don't seem to understand is that he's not saying Satan never fell in the first place, he's analyzing the passages that people commonly refer to when discussing his fall. He's doing what many people won't by analyzing the literary structure used and contextualizing the words with the culture and popular beliefs at the time, as well as the rest of the Bible.
  • Anyone who can say "Robin Hood Men in Tights" without laughing on camera is a true, trained professional...I tip my hat good sir! Also, I really enjoy watching your explanations on Biblical interpretation.
  • @22Platypus
    I like when he says “this is one interpretation.” Normally, that is very condescending, but he does not make it sound that way at all.
  • @oindogad2137
    A true scholar gives his opinion and offers a counterargument, an expertise not owned by most people who attempt to explain complex texts. Kudos to this brother. I have watched this video a number of times, but I still find it educative every day.
  • @grantbartley483
    "The land was full of idolatry and social injustice." Sounds like all of human history.
  • @catdogky
    This professor is brilliant! A real biblical scholar! I like how he presents the text and then gives more than one interpretation. He does put forth what he believes it means but does not act like "it's my way or the highway". Many things in the Old Testament have various interpretations.
  • @user-yv2bd7qm4p
    Many have closed off their knowledge of Biblical studies by completely ignoring the impact of fairly recent archaeological finds that early church writers had no access to, yet many of us now have access to the discoveries from places like Ras Shamra, Ebla, the Dead Sea, etc. The illumination of Biblical understanding marches on. Great lecture Dr. Gentry! Thanks for doing the hard work of taking the Bible seriously.
  • @fearless7773
    This needs to be made clear that the bible warns us against leaning onto our own understanding when interpreting the bible. I’m glad to see that many people in the comment section have been quick to point out the verses in Revelations that refer to Satan’s fall from heaven. When you study the bible you must compare scripture with scripture. Revelations provides further insight to the fall of Satan however not one of these are mentioned in this explanation which should be a concern. The bible warns us against false teaching and unless you actually pick up your bible and study it for yourself under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and prayer. 1 Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. We should not leave ourselves open to have the bible interpreted to us by men who are in the eyes of society's intellectual voices of authority (deception comes in many forms). The bible teaches that only by prayer and the guidance from the Holy Spirit (in our studies on our own or with others) we will have an understanding of the word of God. The bible was given to all men to understand. Yes some people may have a better insight on a particular topic and God can lead us to this. But with all things concerning the scriptures, it is important for us to compare scriptures with scriptures to get a context of what God is saying to us. Some verses are plain and straight forward to understand and some require further study for insight. Many people have rightfully pointed out in the comments that in Luke Jesus said he saw Satan fall from heaven. Luke 10:18 He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Revelation 12:7-9 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. The verses found in revelations identifies this dragon or serpent of old as the same serpent that deceived man in the garden of Eden found in Genesis, an even deeper lesson is how Satan twists Gods word in order to play out his deception. Jesus warns again about people twisting the word of God (the bible). The verses below are from Genesis 3 and I would advise we all take time to read the whole chapter for ourselves. Genesis 3: 4-5 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Isaiah 14:12 How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! This is Satan he is referring to. Satan is the author of sin, it started with his rebellion in heaven against the law of God, and he has brought that same rebellion to man. But Jesus Christ will bring a finial end to the lies and the deceptions of Satan when he comes again. James 1:16 don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. 2 Timothy 3:13 while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. Job 12:16 To him belong strength and insight; both deceived and the deceiver are his. Please read the bible for yourselves with careful study with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Like I said don’t take the words of others as gospel.
  • You make sense and very well spoken in explaining difficult teachings. Thank you for your work
  • @morninglynn6281
    I always wondered why ppl thought those passages were interpreted as the history of Satan's fall. I read it myself and couldn't figure that out
  • @blueduck9409
    Jesus said, he saw the evil one cast out of heaven, and that he fell to the earth and hit the ground like lightening. That is written in the Bible, and it is a description. I believe every word.
  • Thank you for interacting with the specific arguments laid out by Dr. Michael Heiser on this topic and for sharing your honest evaluation of them. This sort of scholarly and respectful interaction between highly qualified Old Testament and Semitic studies scholars reflects well upon the reputation and integrity of Southern Baptist Seminary and their faculty.
  • @squirelova1815
    I wish I had a tenth of the dedication and scholarship of Dr. Peter Gentry. As a son of two Greek parents who spoke and studied Greek until my senior year at Bronx HS of Science (lucky strike elective) I can attest that being intimately familiar with a language, i.e. Hebrew, truly matters to interpretation. In Greek "Logos" is translated as "the Word" in the beginning of Genesis but is used even in Modern conversational Greek as "the Reason" for something/a situation or occurrence! There's a big clue there I think.
  • @kristens551
    This man is one of the few that understand with the wisdom of God the true spirit of God. Finally not a false teacher! I have yet to find anyone with this type of Wisdom in the world.
  • As a Jew, I feel as if I could gain so much from a conversation with this man. He seems to have a much more comprehensive and historically based understanding of the Torah. Beyond religious boundaries lies the one true realization, there is one God. Most High and Mighty. All will fall under his Judgement.
  • @torbreww
    Thank you for your research and for providing a balanced perspective. You’ve raised multiple pertinent issues to consider. Now I am inspired to prayerfully study further.
  • @TheBelegur
    "And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." Luke 10:18 Sounds a lot like "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" Isaiah 14:12
  • Watched it twice. Great information, and video. Thank you for uploading.
  • I really celebrate that I "accidentally" discovered this excellent discussion! Dr. Gentry makes SO much sense!