Eddie Brock Gets Eaten Alive

Published 2023-11-18

All Comments (21)
  • @DarkZ19
    Bro turned into Alex Mercer
  • @shadowki5687
    The fact he's wearing a "Himbo Frankenstein" shirt while doing this cool stuff makes this better😂
  • @CrossBonesKoopa
    Eddie proves why he and Venom are the perfect match and some one to see the error of there ways and over come them
  • @iwyzor
    I recognised that roar at 9:00 It's Venom from Ultimate Spiderman on PS2, isn't it ?
  • @AsmodeusMictian
    The King in Black series is by far my favorite. Never read comics as a kid, never had an interest because I thought it was fluff. This ain't fluff. This is amazing.
  • Anyone else notice those cops look just like Walter White and Jesse Pinkman
  • @jonathan__g
    Great job on the video. That was very entertaining.
  • @MrSpacelyy
    Heh? He was outside as a clump of meat, and we jump to him being inside again. Or something. What happened?
  • hed better get the black colour back. what hes got looks good but for me the black and white (or the revesed) looked best on him.
  • @SpaceXplorer13
    Is this the same Eddie Brock who had Cancer and turned into Anti-venom later?
  • @KuroOokami167
    As much as I enjoy the videos and comic stuff I really hope the script writing improves. The future tense the writer is attempting is way too repetitive with the word "would" as so many lines begin with "Eddie would..." Eddie would find a shotgun..." "Eddie would punch..." "Eddie would tear..." "Eddie would this." Eddie would that." There is too strong of a reliance on that word, and that isn't just something here on this video. I've heard it before across others from this channel and it has always bothered me. "Would" is just too often used in these scripts and I encourage the writer to either find new words to use, avoid using that word as much as possible, or just write in an entirely different tense because the word is just unnecessary filler when, especially during action scenes, "Eddie found a shotgun..." or "Eddie finds a shotgun..." "Eddie punched..." or "Eddie punches..." is much quicker and concise to the actions and keeps the reader or audience in the moment. Now, the word "would" can still have it's placement within the scripts, but it should be used sparingly and more during moments of build up. Say it was a moment where Eddie was preparing to face Bedlam or investigating something that led into a conflict. Just as an example: Eddie approached the diner, a sinking feeling in his gut, and as he cautiously stepped forward he would find his suspicions confirmed as Bedlam burst through the wall, lunging for his throat! It can still be an effective word; you just can't use it every 3 lines; it's too much and it sounds like there's a lack of confidence or certainty which detracts from the story and events.
  • @gabrielgray3203
    Talking to it like a computer operating system being given commands is SO amazingly corny😂😂 & also degrading if u were the organic sentient life form residing in him lolz it'd grow to resent being talked to like a task manager hah unless he's some new hybrid that's actually human-symbiote instead of human AND symbi...