Vent TikTok To Express My Feelings:( Part 46

Published 2024-01-13

All Comments (21)
    I don't wanna be here anymore. I go to counseling and lie about everything. And I feel like life is just boring and My mom has hid all the knives. I've been clean for a month and I wish I'm not.
  • @Itsoktobesad9
    You know what’s the worst part about being the youngest…… Your siblings will never know how many nights you sat crying thinking about how long you have left
  • @Kouddii
    My family: "Omg you're so mean wtf" I wonder whose fault that is.
    “Trios don’t work” is true. Im always the person walking on the grass, offering to take photos. I’m always the one to talk but no one hears. I’m always the one that gets left out. I remember my trio (using fake names) with Ava and Elena. Ava and Elena would do everything. They went to the TS movie, they went to water parks together, they did everything. Ava would always be like “Oh Avery you should go” And when I ask abt it a day later she would just say “oh sorry ……” and a excuse. At school, I walk on the edge, in the grass, or behind them. There’s just not enough space for me I guess.
  • @beachybabes
    4:47 is so real at least for me can anyone relate? Also I am ALWAYS here for anyone I hope everyone who is feeling like this gets better :)
  • To anyone who is struggling. People love you, even if it doesn't seem like it. People care about you, even if it doesn't seem like it. People would miss you if you died, even if it doesn't seem like it. People do need you here, even if it doesn't seem like it. Just think, If you do end up k!lling yourself, you can't make any more memories with anyone, not your mom, your dad, your brother, your sister, pet, anyone. Keep in mind that pain is temporary. Death is forever. Stay strong, champ<3
  • @Notreal_Red_Riot
    The sad thing is whenever I get into an argument I supposedly black out and can’t remember it happening.”, according to the people around me (I’m on. My cousins phone)
  • @Winkles09
    You'll know the day leading up to it I will act happy I will give more I will be more friend I will talk more I'll be smiling It will be like I was better Everything will be perfect I'll tell everyone I love them so much I'll give you hugs I'll make sure you know I care You'll know the day I will do it I will be quiet I won't talk as much I'll be lost in my music and zoned out I'll be wearing a fake smile I'll say I'm fine I'll hug you one last time I will tell you I love you one last time You'll see me one last time Then I'll be gone
  • @Zoomist45
    I have never been loved im 18 and no one has ever seen me in a romantic way. I got smarter and more talented and nothing so i work harder started working out got even better at ever thing i did focused on looks and still nothing im so fucking lonely and i dont know what to do sometimes i think maybe im just unlovable idk anymore man.
  • @ykjules11
    School is so stressful. Sure i have great grades and all A +’s everywhere but its so fcking stressful, its js like i have to be like successful nd be better at everything and if i dont pass anything or get a low score i feel like im a disappointment and that is js so fcking tiring, and draining. I sometimes wish i was js a better person, daughter, friend, student.
  • @kiweller6298
    Tw:sh I've been struggling to even stop thinking about all the things I could do to make it just be over but I still go to school everyday smiling and making people laugh so know one even noticed and the people that know don't care because if I'm smiling all the time so it can't be that bad and then I meat this guy who is struggling as much as me and I saved him from doing something he might regret and I want to open up to him but I don't think I can knowing how much he's going through thanks for listening I'm sorry if this brothers anyone. If anyone wants to Vent to for it we all love you you got this
  • I don’t know how to feel anymore really. One minute I’m to loud and the next I have people constantly telling me to speak up, mind you those are the same people who told me I was too loud. I’m too energetic and apparently I’m on drugs, but when I’m not I need to get more sleep. When I dress up to them I’m only dressing up for somebody and when I’m not I need to try harder. When my room is messy I’m a wreck but if I do clean it I’m a neat freak. I just want you guys to know that no matter what you do, you’ll never be perfect. I know it’s hard to stop sh it being sad, people will say your doing it for attention or your not trying, but you are. You really are. And it takes time. It can take days, weeks, months, years. And there is no reason you should be rushed. Your not alone in this ❤️
  • @Jemmaaaaaaaaaaa
    Watching these in the school bathroom after a panic attack <<
  • @Allyyy281
    They think i'm telling the truth when they ask me 'where i would go if i ever ran away'
  • @Raccoon903
    "New year, new me" yeah new me bc I probably wont even gonna make it to 2025.
  • @Ashlikesmusic28
    Tbh when I was 10 I would grab a pencil and just keep scratching it on my skin while watching vents
  • @ILLY_Q
    It feels like what I feel isn’t true. My friends are going through worst, and I’m here doing things I regret, but part of me wants someone to notice but I’m masking (or whatever) when I’m at school and extra-curriculars.
  • @VARVAR20
    I got lectured after relapsing and my parents even told me they didn’t like my bsf. I told her it was time to be strangers again the next day just for my parents. When I came home so fucking tired of everything my mom had the audacity to ask me if something was wrong! And now me and my bsf can act like we were always strangers. I’m so fucking done, my life feels like it’s coming apart at the seams.