Feeding a MASSIVE Garden Orb Weaver spider!

Published 2017-08-04
Title pretty much says it all. The moth was take out of my pool, so it was going to die either way.

All Comments (21)
  • I have one living on my porch. She’s beautiful and I’ve told my family to leave her alone. I’m hoping she keeps the bad bugs away.
  • I see them building their webs straight underneath of the street lights... They're catching so many bugs every night... It's amazing!
  • @MacaqueStinx
    I've currently got one living in the corner of my room, a pretty big Spotted Orb Weaver. I love orb weavers so much, gentle giants, graceful and beautiful.
  • @CrossandWire
    Incredible, I have an orb weaver living on my porch I love to watch.
  • @dani3670
    I have on one my porch now. It's been there for about 2 weeks. I'm terrified.
  • It's just speed wrapping the meal to get shipped out.. Amazon overnight delivery by spider.
  • @ogrebattle22763
    They are truly incredible & beautiful spiders 🕷 one of my favorites they are fascinating to watch their pattern of webs are something to see...
  • @busydude792
    Man, web weaving spiders sure do love to eat some moth. Fed a moth to my regular outdoor cobweb-maker in the corner, couple of days later an egg sac was there in the web instead 😝
  • @Miguel-gt6ug
    In a military base in great lakes, i was cleaning for first lieutenant one time, and they sent me to a room that was never cleaned and just skipped on by sailors…. I looked at the ceiling and i wonder why now…. ITS BUNCH OF 2 Inch thick orb weavers and even bigger and I was amazed and i didnt know they can grow that thick and big
  • @indrajithak47
    Some impressive footage taken here. Appreciate the closeup and trivia too
  • @superstatus2640
    I did the exact same thing this morning lol. Except I threw a grasshopper into its web. In about 45 minutes or so I saw the grasshopper turn into a slimy little ball that looked nothing like a grasshopper. And while the spider was eating I hissed out "feast on hisss fleshhhh"
  • @wagonkit
    its trying to get away from the light....
  • @DrumminSOB
    Can’t wait to go to sleep tonight 😬
  • Have two of em in my backyard, one of them have caught 2 flies the other day.