Caden's Weed-Induced Depersonalization Recovery Story

Published 2023-11-13
03:39 Weed-Induced Depersonalization
08:25 "Convinced I was going to die"
10:55 Going through DPDR at school
11:58 "I flipped the way I see reality"
15:29 Is DPDR a spiritual awakening?
24:09 Distorted Perception of Time
25:20 Talking about DPDPR to your family
26:45 Finding the term "Depersonalization"
31:36 Caden's Lowest Point with DPDR
33:05 How DPDR Recovery Started
34:10 I know that I'm not "going crazy"
37:09 What does Depersonalization recovery FEEL like?
42:22 "Unlocking" different fears
45:18 Can you REALLY get back to normal?
49:14 The DP Manual
51:43 Life after Depersonalization
54:31 Advice for people with weed-induced DPDR

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Caden is 17 years old. For 2 years he suffered with chronic Depersonalization Disorder, triggered by a bad weed experience.

As Caden once wrote to me in an email, quote "I felt like my vision was delayed, almost like I was floating through space. I felt like at any moment I was going to lose feeling in my body and pass out."

Fortunately, Caden has since made a complete recovery. And he's with us today to talk about his experience with and recovery from Depersonalization Disorder.

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Disclaimer: Please note that the medical information contained within this video is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a professional physician and is not a recommendation of specific thera

All Comments (21)
  • @SethHarrisGordon
    I almost didn’t want to hear what a 17 year old had to say but this dude is waaaaaay beyond his years. Wow!!! I relate to his experience, goes to show DP doesn’t care about age!
  • @jacktierney1125
    I’m 3 months out from my bad drug experience and I’m still having trouble wrapping my head around how one bad experience could shape how I feel for this long. Makes me question if I’m just going crazy or delusional and making things up, but maybe that’s just the condition. Hope others can relate.
  • @jacktierney1125
    16:00 is so relatable. Feeling like you know too much now to go back to normal. How can I just go on about my life when I have to worry about death and the universe etc. Those intrusive thoughts feel so reasonable and overbearing in the moment, but I’m hoping I will be able to look back and realize they were just anxious thoughts and nothing more.
  • @gamingattire9390
    I feel constantly that I am lying to myself all the time. I do not feel like I exist almost and have the feeling the I am myself and am going through a problem in life for the time being if you know what I mean. I also have what if thoughts I lot of times . Like right now as I’m writing this, I am like “ maybe you are righting this for fake reassurance that this is anxiety so you can move on under labeling it as anxiety when it is something big that you can’t move on from”.
  • @GoodnewsKemeke
    I had dp after a bad expectorant abuse experience.Its been almost three months now the first two months where very severe, but after watching your videos am making quick recovery.What worries me the most is how humans exist, but i keep encouraging myself.I have lived for more than 18years it never felt strange so i know its just the condition causing it.Thanks Shaun You Are A good Man,i get better everyday
  • @joshhenchman9810
    Recovered 100% from my DP/DR about 8 and a half weeks ago. Had it for just over 3 months from a bad Pharmaceutical drug reaction. It sent me into crippling depression and anxiety and I ended up in the mental health ward desperate for help. Watching your videos in the mental health ward really gave me hope. Now 3 months since that, it’s crazy that my brain can barely even remember what it was like. Defs still recovering from some sort of PTSD from the event but wow, what a shake up of reality!
  • @CoolSB21
    I can’t begin to explain how uplifting and helpful this video has been on my journey of overcoming DP/DR, thank you for the informative video.
  • @dylanteet7074
    It’s like I know it’s anxiety but I can’t distract myself with video games or watching sports anymore because I literally can’t feel it like I could. I already had an anxiety problem before this came on so now I just can’t figure out how to control something that feels so ingrained in me. I already have meniers disease which makes this even more challenging and the fact I just found out my dad is dying. Im trying to start part time work but I have a panic attack trying to even go in because of my social anxiety which I had before all of this and now on top of DP. One of my worse symptoms of this disorder is looking at people and their mannerisms. It confuses me and I start to think how is it possible we even exist and we don’t make any sense. And peoples eyes terrify me too. Then I think about how I took life for granted before I got this disorder and how blessed I was ans I waited to long to change my life and I beg to be normal again, crying daily. This sucks really bad I can barley hang on. I’m only 28 and had a bright future.
  • @grahamtech
    I originally thought it was my ears as well then proceeded to pray and think it was a spiritual thing as well because I wanted the feeling to go away so much
  • @gayeorin7036
    "God will just controle my life" , I had this fear recently and I'm not even a religious person but I still feel anxious thinking about this 😢 I know it's just dpdr but my mind keeps telling me what if this is not dpdr but some sort of spiritual awakening or if I'm connected to god in some way . I hope I can recover soon ❤
  • @denis9983
    Hello, I have been commenting for a while on your chanell and im doing it again because i wasnt expecting to see such a relatable video. I am the same age as him,currently 17 and i had the bad weed experience back in april(i was 16 at the time). Then having a huge panick attack the next day at home watching some youtube video and I remember telling my mom that i smoked some weed and i was going crazy. The panick attacks kept going on for the next day while i was at school and i was in a general state of panick all the time. So I discovered your channell and was in the same state of denial as he was, Just repeating that it wasnt DP therefore making ´myself afraid of it being Dp and going into a spiral of thoughts and emotions I couldn´t even begin to wrap my head around. Wasn´t being able to pay attention in school and constantly researshing what this could be. Going on reddit and all kinds of forums. Having the classic fear that this will last for 2 years thinking to myself"omg i cant go 5 days with this if i have to be like this for 2 years i will certainly lose my mind". Its like my life was just flipped from one moment to the other and i was crying a lot because it was just overwhealming. Eventually i reached a point where i was just done with this and accepted the fact that it is Dp, purchasing your manual in july. I have followed the rules in your book very strictly and am getting better each day. It is by all means a very slow process but i just keep one foot in front of the other and try not to look back. The reason I was back on your page after about 2 months of being completly away from anything dp related is because i had a very good 3/4 days. I was barely even thinking about it and when i would think about it I would just think that Im getting better and go on with my day. It was crazy how good I felt in relation to this. But today i woke up and for about 5 minutes I completly forgot about it, then a thought just hit me like a truck. Just thinking about it. So like you said "setbacks are a essential part of recovery" and i followed that all day. Feeling uneasy but keeping my head up. But as I was leaving the gym. Just intense anxiety came over me and I was kinda rude when i responded to my friends just because I was so mad it came back so strong. Then I came home and wasnt´t able to focus on the yt video I was watching. I kept trying to distract myself as I knew this was just a setback but I ended up here and i feel very guilty about it. But I guess i just have to keep going. Let me know if u have had any similar experience with setbacks like this.
  • This video was really uplifting. But a lot of videos I see don’t mention things like worrying about the universe and how massive it is… so I worry if it’s something worse that’s going on with me. And these thoughts of the universe really scares me. Like sometimes I think how we’re just on a ball (the planet) in the middle of nowhere; a vast empty space. And it really sets my panic off so much and I get so distressed. Or even looking at photos of stars or planets and being triggered. I never used to be like this until I had my own bad weed experience nearly two years ago.
  • @1298blaster
    Shaun (I hope I spelled your name right) you’re a good man. I hope you know that
  • @thronetat9380
    i feel like im the only 13 yr old going through this lmao i see no post about any teenager its usually just adults and since im just a kid i dont think its going away anytime soon.
  • @True4evor
    its not just weed belive me its deep in you weed revial it dude
  • @alyssasparacia
    Is it normal to get episodes of it? I’ve experienced what I think is Depersonalization Disorder for the last 10 years or so - the first time it occurred was the day after a bad weed experience. That episode lasted almost a month before it started to fade out. Since then, I’ve had at least 25 episodes - each one lasting about a month or two consistently. for awhile it felt like it was happening every 6 months, as if it was another condition. I’ve been getting them more often lately but they aren’t lasting as long, maybe two weeks or so. I can feel them starting to fade in and I can feel them start to fade out too. When I first start feeling the memory loss, fogginess, inability to do basic tasks, lack of comprehension, etc. I get worried. I always think I’m going into one. My gut is always right because a few days later I realize I’m in it. Is this normal for the disorder? I have a multitude of other symptoms - I have them documented in my phone because I have seen so many doctors and psychiatrists prior to learning this. At the beginning of the episodes I isolate kind of, have irritability/overstimulation, sleep ALOT, can’t control falling asleep while driving/at work, etc. Have y’all experienced all of this? I get worried that DD isn’t what I have and I’ll be back at square one with not knowing a diagnosis. I want to get your guide/book but I can’t afford it so I’m turning to the comments for help :(
  • @Hursheycytrowski
    I’ve been going through this for 2 months now I think pretty soon I’m gonna buy your manual I don’t what’s been going on the way I think and see everything is just not the same I don’t remember who. I was before this I just want it to end and be able to focus I can go for walks or just be at peace with myself just normal walks I can’t even do and I just want it all to go away i smoked for years since I was 15 turning 19 soon and just a few months ago. I started smoking more than I ever had in my entire life and all of this is making me feel insane and I pray I get better I’ve been watching your videos their the only thing that made me feel I can maybe fight this and get better but, thanks for these vids if not these I wouldn’t have anything to get information about this so thank you.