What Happened To T.J. Miller: The Downfall Of A Deadpool Star

Published 2024-07-28

All Comments (21)
  • @KazzKobb
    Michael Bay hated him so much he dies in a brutal way in the Transformers movie lol
  • @killmonger5097
    Ryan changed between Deadpool 1 and 2 ??? Dude Ryan was already a major superstar before Deadpool 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
  • @NoWayGaming410
    He thinks he's the main character more than he is. It happens to people alot. He's just way too one sided and there is just zero room for improvement.
  • @jonathanfgh1
    There is a history of male comics being obnoxious and self destructive..... And TJ Miller is continuing that tradition. Artists forget that if they do not 'play the game' or are too difficult to work with, there are thousands of others who want to replace them.
  • @BigBossSquirtle
    Yall seriously need to stop saying "x formally known as Twitter" Call it X or call it Twitter. Stop calling it both.
  • @ShadyRK9
    Huh... So that's what happened. Was wondering what happened to him.
  • @TurkeyFaceX
    That's really sad, he had so many great opportunities that the average person would never be privileged to have and he blew it with his reckless behavior.
  • He'll be doing straight to DVD movies now and they'll be out there soon enough
  • saw him in a comedy act a few months ago. Dude was funny, but got hammered on stage
  • @Looper
    What do you think of T.J. Miller?
  • @antilegion1001
    He's crazy, also he wasn't a "Deadpool star" mediocre at best
  • @Syrin23
    Dude had a winning lottery ticket, then tore it up and threw it away
  • @onedroprule
    I like how they slipped in that "he had a part of his frontal lobe removed". Like, maybe that's playing a role in his behavior? 🤔