Daesh : la multinationale du terrorisme

Published 2021-12-18
This multinational terror organization has built an unprecedented empire. They have taken control of a territory the size of Italy, where 10 million people live. At the borders of this territory, a real front line. A territorial and economic war is raging. In terms of communication, they seek to seduce Westerners by modern methods. They would thus be a thousand French to have joined the ranks of an army of 50,000 men.
It is the most powerful and richest organization of all time. How are they financed? We plunged for three months into the heart of the economic system of the monster.

Director: Eric Declemy & Emmanuel Creutzer

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All Comments (21)
  • @Olivier-
    Ce serait sympa de nous sortir des reportages actuels, pour être informé de ce qu’il se passe récemment, pas avec 5-10 ans de décalages…
  • @Chris91307
    Année de production ? 2015 ? Ce serait intéressant d'avoir un état des lieux de la situation en 2021-22.
  • @Exium_off
    Ce reportage est parfait afin d'avoir bon nombre de renseignements concernant Daesh. Un reportage complet, bien expliqué et bien détaillé. Un travail de qualité !
  • @coeurcase1085
    Honte à eux qui se prétendent musulman ils sont très loin de la vraie religion, ça me rends malade de voir ça
  • @doucebai
    Si tu lis ce message et bien je te souhaite de joyeuses fêtes! Nos dernières années ont été durs donc il faut se soutenir qu on soit blanc noir gris multicolore!!!
  • QURAN ABOUT WAR- Islam allows war in self-defence (Qur'an 22:39), to defend Islam (rather than to spread it), to protect those who have been removed from their homes by force because they are Muslims (Qur'an 22:40), and to protect the innocent who are being oppressed (Qur'an 4:75). Islam allows war in self-defence (Qur'an 22:39), to defend Islam (rather than to spread it), to protect those who have been removed from their homes by force because they are Muslims (Qur'an 22:40), and to protect the innocent who are being oppressed (Qur'an 4:75). It forbade aggressive warfare in Qur'an 2:190: “And fight in the way of God with those who fight with you, but aggress not: God loves not the aggressors.” Fighting in self-defense is not only legitimate but considered obligatory upon Muslims. According to Prophet Muhammad's pbuh. rules of war, no justification exists for either side to attack civilians, property, animals, or anyone who is not an active combatant.
  • Ислам запрещает убивать людей ! Ислам запрещает терроризм ! Ислам запрещает наркотик ! Ислам запрещает Алкоголь ! Ислам запрещает воровать ! Ислам запрещает азарт игры ! Ислам запрещает все что несет вред здоровью человеку и для человечности ! В этом ролике с Исламом ничего не связывает ! ТАКИЕ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ ИЛИ ТАКИЕ ГРУППИРОВКИ ТЕРРОРИСТЫ ПАЧКАЮТ ИМЯ ИСЛАМА !!! Ислам это мир ! Ислам это радость ! Ислам это любовь ! Ислам это счастье ! Ислам это честность !
  • @ihsan_hno
    Thank you for the report. Everything in the video is true. I am from Iraq from Mosul. ISIS entered Iraq in 2014, and the battle lasted 4 years. Iraq was completely liberated from ISIS in 2017, thank God, we are now at peace
  • @HaraldBraha
    Il eut été intéressant de préciser que ce docu est déjà sorti en 2015 (année du Bataclan !)... A moins que l'objectif ne soit de raviver les inquiétudes en période de campagne électorale...
  • @TomasiDraunimasi
    Thanks guys for posting this very important economics to learn and revolution goes with wars....nothing is impossible
  • @user-gj2gf3uy8b
    Когда Америка говорят мы защищаем на самом деле они атакует и разрушает .
  • @Mo3en_khan
    بسیار عالی بود این مستند مخصوصا که زیر نویس فارسی داشت ممنون از کانال خوب فرانسه❤❤❤
  • @casiusclay9086
    Tellement d'experts en géopolitique et en théologie dans les commentaires
  • Искусственно создали потом не смогли остановить их теперь они сами по себе