Chief Joseph Speech - Nez Perce

Published 2009-07-25
Chief Joseph Heart Wrenching Speech

All Comments (21)
  • Chief Joseph is my great great great great grandfather on my dad's side of the family.
  • @bannerdavid9405
    Chief Joseph was one of the greatest Americans to have ever lived.
  • Chief Joseph one of the wisest chiefs of my tribe.. I'm 40% Native American and I am a enrolled tribal member of the Nez Perce Tribe and I am grateful for who I am and I am honored to be a decedent of my ancestor and my grate chief who helped our people survive
  • @brokehiselbows
    Few people know that this man was a peace chief, and yet he damn near beat the US cavalry while shepherding all his tribe across the mountains of Idaho and Montana. I am proud to have Nez Perce blood in my ancestry.
  • @billbright1755
    Chief Joseph last wish was to be buried in the same country of his grandfather, but was denied. He was a very great man.
  • @chibang492
    This man was speaking truth from the soul. Actions speak louder than words.
  • This man spoke from the heart and he is 100% right treat everyone the same unfortunately that doesn't happen these days. It is sad this speech had to even be made they should not have had the land stolen or been forced to move. Why can't we all live in peace and harmony?
  • My heart burns for these indigenous people of this land. this man spoke from the heart.
  • As a Cherokee indian from Alabama i must agree ,no good words will ever repair my ancestors pain .
  • @WondrousEarth
    Chief Joseph's words are so heartfelt, so true, fair in his treatment and wishes toward other people and desire for his people to live as free people. First Nations people should be honored always, they were the first inhabitants in the Americas, when newcomers like Columbus himself said in arriving in the Caribbean, that native people were 'handsome' and their land a paradise. I am from European heritage, and like native people I embrace the idea of living in balance with the natural world.
  • @spiritoftruth123
    Chief Joseph was a true son of God, much better than the evil ones who took his land and killed his people. He did not lie, he always spoke the truth. He was very much like Jesus Christ, much more a Christian than the soldiers who attacked him, and the evil government which destroyed what God has given to all mankind, Mother Earth. Joseph's spirit is in heaven, those who tormented him are now tormented in hell... forever.
  • @MegaIndio11
    Proud people with digity, and wisdom.In their blood, every step we take we walk in their blood.....
  • @twangshanty9559
    I love this. Thanks you so much for posting this. I have read through most of the comments below. To all my relatives, we are here, we are alive and we are loved. To all my relations; I call in the spirits from all the four corners, mother earth, father sky and to my heart I hold you all in dear love and admiration. My cousins kept saying they would like to have a family reunion but that was years ago. We lost so many lives to drugs, alcohol, religion, horrible abuses and the scars, visible and invisible that prevented us from coming together as a family again. Look at my picture, do I look Nez Perce? No, is probably your answer. It's ok, I'm okay with who I am. I am Nez Perce/Algonquin/Norwegian/Welsh so I'm a mutt but I am and you are very special. I am 5th generation Red Katchina. If you are Nez Perce and you don't know what that means I will explain it to you. The band of the Nez Perce called the Chief Joseph Band had another name. They and their closest relatives had an open secret. They were called the Red Katchina tribe or family by other tribes and by other Nee-me-poo. They were the medicine keepers and healers. They were the seers and shamans of the area. They had these gifts because of their close relation to the actual Red Katchina peoples (Sasquatch like people but a little different). Every 5th generation a man was chosen amongst the Nee-me-poo to impregnate a female Red Katchina women. The result of this union kept the Red Katchina's genes viable and the Nee-me-poo big, tall and strong with very powerful expressions of thought manifestation i.e. shamanic in nature with great healing abilities. If the child is born with hair the child stays with their mother's people. If born without hair the child goes to the Nee-me-poo at around 4 years of age. Chief Joseph the elder and his half brother Too-hoolizoot (sic) were found on the perimeter of their encampment when they were children. The women knew to look for them and received them with care and raised them as tribal/family members. These children were gifted as shamans and healers. I am 5 generations removed from this union. When I was twenty years old I impregnated an ancient one female (not Red Katchina as far as I know). She did this because she could see into my genetic past and see who I was and what I could do for her. We have a son, he is 26 years old and he was born with hair so he stayed with his mother's people. I know this must sound so crazy to most of you but if you open your heart you will see that this will fill in a lot of the empty holes in our historical story. Many of you have had experiences with the sasquatch people. Now you know why, your most likely related to them and they are attracted to people who they recognize as genetically related to themselves. When my mother stayed with us once we had a visitor upstairs the whole time, she was a young sasquatch women who just liked being there because my mother was there. I asked why, she said it made her feel at home. The images and emotions she sent me telepathically were visions and feelings of being around family. Yes, we are a very, very special people.
  • @creativeforce11
    Thank you for this, heartfelt and with sorrow, we need Chief Joseph today with his wisdom and pure heart. Blessings - Rachel
  • @bobbiwolfgang
    I couldn't move right after this...the great Chief opened his heart and shared his deepest wishes! So impossible to believe any human could turn a deaf ear! But as we know they did.
  • @paulmartin39
    I cannot believe less than 1% of views clicked like. I first heard this speech 30 years ago. It is very emotional, what happened to the 500 nations of indigenous people is a terrible stain on history. I love these people.❤️🙏❤️🙏
  • My wife always said she was different. Very strong spirit and was mysterious. She will never speak of our ancestors when we ask. She said we are who we are. We are of the earth and creator. She passed on holding that mystery. She was my mother, loosing her all over again. Then my wife was doing some digging and found a picture of Chief and she said I think that’s him from your dream. She said look at him and your grandmother. Facial features are almost exact. I said yea, he’s real. Then asked about my grandmother and come to find out we are not from where she said we were. Now I know who we are, after soo long. I cried with my wife.
  • @abbyrose6998
    It is nice to see so many people related. I am not. This man has powerful words of equality , love and peace. The white people that came had opposite ideas. I am white and though my family didn't arrive till later I feel shame. I never really knew about any of this since it was not to be found in my history books. The more I learn the more love I have for this culture. This world is so out of control and is changing so fast. Thank you for the knowledge.
  • @PK-ly6jr
    This is so sad Long live to native indian God bless them all. . .
  • @billygunz1382
    Chief Joseph Salishan/ Saskatchwan Idaho Nez perce Tomahawk Survivor Warrior and Struggle.