H3N2 वायरस क्या है ? जानिए इसके लक्षण, कारण, निदान और इलाज | DR. M MEHROTRA MBBS:MD (KGMU)

Published 2023-03-17
#healthministry #cmo #doctors #yogiadityanath #primeminister #h3n2virus
An influenza A (H3N2) virus comprised of two genes from an avian influenza A virus, including a new H3 hemagglutinin, but also contained the N2 neuraminidase from the 1957 H2N2 virus. It was first noted in the United States in September 1968.
What is H3N2 virus symptoms?
Infection by the H3N2 subtype of influenza A virus presents with classic flu symptoms that are also similar to COVID-19 symptoms – fever, cough, body ache, breathlessness, wheezing and pneumonia.


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