Publicado 2020-02-06
Let’s talk about bringing effectiveness to our prayers in 2020. 

In the next 10 years, a third of the leaders in our society will be replaced. 

Leaders of countries, leaders of businesses, executives, pastors, activists. 

What do these people believe? Who taught them?

As the leader goes, so goes the people under them. So it is vital to pray for people in leadership. 

But it isn’t enough to say words of prayer alone, I believe we ourselves must take on the mantle of leaders. 

Kanye West said, “My father took me to church...the preacher said we need leaders right there my body got still like a paraplegic!”

If you are sensitive to the Spirit at all you will know that this is what He is saying.

1. YOU have to step up into becoming a leader in your sphere.

2. You need to take your Kingdom spot in your nation to support the leader God put in place.

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