Amazing Singing Performance by Four Pied Butcherbirds, Western Australia

Published 2016-04-01
A group of four pied butcherbirds sings a morning concert in Cape Range National Park, Western Australia.

Pied butcherbirds are excellent singers with an enormous vocal repertoire. They are endemic to Australia.
The performance of the Butcherbird quartet starts at min 02:25.

All Comments (21)
  • @LootFreak
    Nothing more Aussie than havin a Coffee on ya verandah at 5am and listening to these bad boys. I love our Country.
  • @aluckyman1475
    The butcherbirds at my place went nuts and are singing up a storm while I'm playing this. 😂 Amazing birds. Amazing fliers too
  • @bluescribblez
    these are the birds i hear every morning from 4-7 am :D they sound so sweet i love them
  • I love how individually, these birds choose to sing in minor. It adds mystery to them, and it suits them especially when they start singing at 5 in the morning or whenever the sky starts to blue.
  • @dubemccready7438
    most definitely a beautiful & delightful Bird - their vocal range is amazing and they are a friendly bunch when they choose to be so. Gorgeous.
  • Denis Faithful, i realy like to hear the birds singing in the morning when i am eating my breakfast on my back veranda . Its a beautiful sound to start my day. Keep up the good work.
  • @PoppyTaterman
    I've been searching for a particular bird call my whole life, and I have never been able to figure out what it is. I've always called the bird the "birthday bird" because when I was a kid and would wake up super early and excited on my birthday, I would hear it. While I'm not 100% convinced, I thiiiiink it might be the butcherbird.
  • @propertyofranger
    I’m so impressed you managed to capture video of them actually singing! It’s so lovely being able to watch them while they perform. Absolutely magnificent! Thanks for sharing with us ❤️
  • Beautiful sounding birds and then you see what they do with their prey. They are impaled on thorns or sometimes barbed wire.
  • Excellent video! I have 3 adult pied butcherbirds and 2 children and they all love to sing together! Sometimes i like to sing with them by whistling my own tune and they copy!
  • @evanseventy7593
    They love sitting atop power poles, belting their songs out down empty morning streets.
  • I was once camping and driving across the outback of Cape York when I came upon a Pied Butcher bird singing up a storm from a dead tree in the middle of nowhere. Fantastic experience. About the only equivalent we have here in America would be our Mockingbirds. They are gorgeous singers too.
  • @AuntyBec
    I have 2 of these that visit every single day. One eats mince out of my hand, and the other one sits on the table next to me and flings the mince around and eats the little bits first. They're such great singers and if one of them whistles near me, it's so loud I have to block my ears, very ear piercing sound. Gorgeous birds they are.
  • @ianhills5793
    Great footage with clear sound. I believe pied butcherbirds are talented mimics and have witnessed them 'sampling' elements of other birds' calls and doing their own mixes. I believe there are other bird calls & parts of calls in this presentation. I was very lucky to watch one bird sit outside my window in gentle rain and go through a series of long renditions with several other bird calls mixed in, as though singing idly to itself. Thanks for posting.
  • @Conn30Mtenor
    When I lived in Alice Springs the Pied Butcher Bird who lived in a tree outseide of my apartment had the best song and I loved waking up to it.