"It's NOT Going To Happen, Mate!" | Julia Hartley-Brewer Hits Out At Labour MP Over Renewable Energy

Published 2024-07-29
The Government will not be “passing the buck” on building renewable energy infrastructure to future generations, a minister has said.

Energy minister Michael Shanks also told MPs that some areas will have to host “nationally significant” power infrastructure such as solar farms in response to concerns expressed about the “detrimental impacts” on communities.

MPs had a general debate on Friday on making Britain a “clean energy superpower”, with the Great British Energy Bill due to receive its second reading after the summer recess.

Julia Hartley-Brewer clashes with Labour MP Mike Tapp after he says the Government's "ambition" is to be fully renewable in solar electricity by 2030.

"Well, my ambition is to be a size 10 supermodel - it's not going to happen mate! Ambitions are lovely, they need to be realistic!"

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#renewableenergy #solarenergy #climatechange

All Comments (21)
  • @banzai385
    Are all the young Muslim males coming across the Chanel fully costed ?
  • @rikimarco1826
    Is this Labour MP the best of British talent? He must have attended the Kamala Harris school of word salads. He knows nothing about good governance or running an economy. How much longer are we going to keep on adding to the Nation Debt (in 20 yrs it has grown from £350 Billion to well over £2 Trillion).
  • @Cliff-xh7fq
    How did this guy get elected in Dover???FFS
  • @MrAckers75
    All this for a one percent reduction in emissions….it’s utterly insane
  • @dangermouse9348
    The war on boats will be as successful as the war on drugs. Not at all.
  • @claireb9127
    We are so screwed if this guy is the standard of the new government. Same old platitudes for every problem. Full of it. Arrogant and over confident he’s not got a clue 🤦‍♀️
  • @stuartholt2614
    This guy is going so far forward he is disappearing up his own backside
  • @Redeye1-h6n
    God help us if this is what labour are made up of 🙈
  • @sammic7492
    A Labour MP that doesn't have a clue what a surprise. GB Energy will cost us hundreds of £biilions, how are they going to to pay for that? How are they going to pay to renationalise the rail industry, which will cost more £billions? I'm sick of hearing about non dom's and windfall taxes that won't cover a fraction of it. I work in the energy sector and we will NEVER hit fully renewable by 2030, it's a crock we won't hit fully renewable for decades and Russia won't be the problem for our energy, it will be China as they produce 62% of the worlds wind turbines and solar panels and own nearly all the mineral rights used in the manufacture of wind turbines and solar panels. Labour have no idea about growth, Labour are shelving infrastructure projects in order to fund public sector pay rises, public sector don't produce growth but infrastructure projects DO, even in times of deep recession infrastructure projects go ahead to help stimulate growth, but Labour decide pay rises for the least productive people in the country is what is going to stimulate the economy, I don't want to hear those who voted for Labour complain when they get squeezed more and more so as to pay for an ever expanding and under performing public sector, whilst they get poorer, they voted for it.
  • @ninjatez9251
    Council tax up and cap removed, fuel duty up let me think what else can they do oh yeah remove the heating payment for pensioners unbelievable