What's Happening in Armenia?!

Published 2020-10-08
My homeland woke up to a war with no end in sight. Armenia & Artsakh are currently under attack by Azerbaijan and there's a threat of genocide against ethnic Armenians. We must take action to end the violence.

The Azerbaijani Aggression towards Armenia isn't only a threat for Armenia, but it's a threat to world peace. This isn't a conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, it's aggression from nationalists.

Azerbaijan and Turkey are using internationally banned arms (cluster bombs) and other heavy missiles to target civilians and churches, Turkey is sending paid Syrian mercenaries to fight on the front lines, and Erdogan claimed to want to finish the mission their ancestors carried out in the Caucasus region (referring to the Armenian Genocide).

There's an URGENT need for medical supplies for civilians
🌟Donate to the Armenia Fund: www.armeniafund.org/
🌟Donate to Kooyrigs: kooyrigs.org/

This is quickly escalating and it's imperative to educate US politicians
🌟 One-Click Letters to Your Politicians: marchtojustice.org/action-alerts
🌟 White House Petition: petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/condemn-aggressi…

1:29 Is Artsakh actually Armenian?
2:00 The Real History
5:07 War between Armenia & Azerbaijan
6:42 Modern Day Struggles
8:37 Why Start a War Now?
10:57 Where does the USA stand?!
11:47 How YOU can help!
Here's some context

It's imperative to discuss the history of the Artsakh / Nagorno Karabakh region so that you can make a decision for yourself on who's right and who's wrong. This is a region part of ancient Armenia since 700 B.C and ethnic Armenians have lived there since, this is proven by global scholars and historical experts. Azerbaijan didn't exist until 1918 where with the support of the new modern day Turkey, that Muslim Turkics or Tatars invaded the city of Baku and wanted to expand the borders into the historic Armenian region of Artsakh - and this killed over 25,000 more Armenians, Russians, and Jews living in the region.

During the conflict, Joseph Stalin and the Bolsheviks invaded Armenia vs Azerbaijan, and Georgia to add them to the soviet empire - they ended up appeasing both sides by making empty promises of the Artsakh region to ethnic Armenians and some of the land Azeris were living on to them. The conflict was dormant and Artsakh was autonomously ruled by their own government for 70 years until the fall of the USSR in 1990 when they handed off ALL of Artsakh to Azerbaijan even with 80% of ethnic Armenians living on it at the time.

This lead to the ruthless Nagorno Karabakh War with over 30,000 casualties and displacement of over a million people (over 600,000 were ethnic Azerbaijanis). In 1994 there was a ceasefire brokered by Russia and ever since there's only been small skirmishes and a raging nationalist fire within Azerbaijan to take that land from Artsakh. In 2016, Azerbaijan launched a surprise attack on Artsakh forces killing 100 Armenian military members and civilians. Ever since, the Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev has seen his economy failing with the pandemic, negative oil prices, and then the imprisonment of journalists and opposition leaders. He wanted to change the narrative by fueling nationalists to want to wage war, don't let him win.

#DefendArmenia #PeaceForArmenians #ArtsakhStrong

All Comments (21)
  • @PeterBilzerian
    I swear I don't even delete the hateful comments that the Azeris and Turkish people are making - Youtube is doing it because they are monitoring the hate and racism on their platform and it's deleting the comments. I get a notification with the text of the comment but it always says "Comment Not Found" 🇦🇲🇦🇲 #DefendingArmenia
  • @agamoficial4415
    I'm from Indonesia praying for Armenia. Come on voice to defend our brothers in faith ✝️
  • THIS IS BY FAR THE MOST INFORMATIVE, BALANCED, and ORGANIZED video I have seen on the recent Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict (aka war against Armenia by aggressors Azerbaijan and Turkey). Not only does Peter take a very complex issue and breaks down the nuances in a way everyone can understand, but he does an incredible job of explaining the current situation and what factors contributed to Aliyev waging war against Armenia and why the US (particularly the Trump administration) has been silent ($$$$$) and what practical measures we can take to help Armenia.
  • Really a very informative video on this issue, appreciate your effort how you analysed the issue.....
  • Very unbiased good video very informative, thank you for sharing this, the world needs to speak up about this !
  • @yaboyjo3424
    You’re absolutely right sir great job in explaining it 👌🏻
  • hi pete this is a great overview that's very civil discussing the history, it's very clear bc you also provide the sources. for future vids put the links in the description too 🙏god bless your people 🇦🇲
  • @vicp8772
    Very respectful video. Word needs to get out
  • I am a muslim Albanian but i do not use double standarts cuz i read a loot. Armenians are one of the oldest people not only in Caucasus but also in Europe. Their language is one of the oldest monosylablical indoeuropean languages in Europe. Armenians spoke Armenian when turkic azeris had no language and they lived in their lands before turkic people camed to Caucasus. I stand with Armenia cuz i cannot use my religion to defelct the truth however i know that youre alone and your war is almost lost. I hope the best for Armenia even though everybody took everything from you and left u only the mountains is still standing strong. Greetings from Albania and always fight for your rights.
  • @EricBarriga
    seen a guy on the freeway with two armenian flags waving on his car yesterday with a huge sticker taking up the whole back window saying DEFENDARMENIA -- im driving home from work and it made me wonder.. hmmm. whats that i keep seeing pray for armenia. so i go home to look up on youtube to get some more information and see your video. You put forth what i feel is good and honest information. Non Biased imo. or atleast thats what it seems. you seem honest bro! i will pray for your country. and I know God is looking over you all right now especially at this critical time in our worlds histoy. #DEFENDARMENIA
  • geez Pete this is terrible, I didn't know anything about this until now. bless Armenia from Norway 🇳🇴🇦🇲
  • @edencuizon8926
    Praying for Armenia! 🙏🙏 very respectful this video. I hope you are safe sir Peter specially your family and friends there. May God bless you all🙏🙏🙏❤️
  • Finally, a valid video about the whole situation. Thanks for the video man. As a hungarian, all i saw on social media was muslims making azerbaijan the victim in all this mess. #MakePeace
  • @sevarchy
    Great video. It's unfortunate that people have to die because of a bad decision made by USSR.
  • @superhints1285
    hi Peter............. You have done great job.. all the best..
  • I am sorry !! It’s been happening in Syria for 8 years now experiencing A huge genocide I am so sorry I hope it stopped and no blood is running
  • @kolabrou
    Greece is fully supporting Armenia my friend. Do what you can. Spread the truth. Turkey is getting a big slap from every single side...