Meet the Man Trying to Ban Abortion in America, One Town At A Time

Published 2022-01-22
Mark Lee Dickson is a pastor from East Texas who has quietly become one of the most influential anti-abortion voices in the United States. His push for cities to ban abortion through local ordinances paved the way for the Texas Heartbeat Act, a key challenge to Roe v. Wade.

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All Comments (21)
  • @kenhunt5153
    I wish the same level of concern was demonstrated to help end childhood poverty, child care, healthcare and preschool in our Country. The wrapping of politics and religion is a dangerous mix.
  • @PTMG
    It's insane that this isn't satire. "hey I'm a virgin from texas with no sex experience, no baby experience, no women experience, no abortion experience, no legal experience, no constitutional experience, and I'm gonna write this anti abortion ordinance on the table of a chik fil a with nothing but the grease from this sandwich" Like the fact that that is pretty much a 100% factual statement is nothing short of masterful comedy.
  • @AeonsOfBlight
    Imagine if people actually put this much effort into ending child homelessness, hunger, orphanages, etc. Hard to imagine a Virgin man with no kids or experience with women going this hard to make their lives harder.
  • @EarthenTigris
    Just like in the case of drug laws and gun laws, making something illegal doesn’t mean it goes away. If you don’t want abortions happening, you have to take preventative measures; comprehensive sex Ed, availability of healthcare and contraceptives, etc..
  • @AthenaGate
    How about this, if you think abortions are immoral, don't get one.
  • @joeschmoe4205
    Guy really went all out for his interview, wearing his most formal fitt'd hat
  • @nicoh848
    “This is not about politics it’s about abortion” ah yes, because deciding what becomes law and what doesn’t isn’t at the core of politics or anything..
  • @stevenveach6984
    Why are people allowed to use their interpreted morality with religion to make laws yet science gets stonewalled at every step ?
  • It confuses me how these people think babies only matter when they're in a woman's body but not once they're born. True pro life would be the support once the baby is born. Our foster care system and number of children waiting to be adopted is beyond flooded, financial benefits to help single parents is continuously being cut and is nowhere near enough as is let alone how difficult it is to even get the services. These are usually the same people looking down on single moms and looking down on people in need of financial assistance. As if my mom didn't have it hard enough raising my sister and I alone, she faced a lot of discrimination and judgment on top of the a million hoops to jump through just to get the necessary help and services needed.
  • @isabelled.7732
    I would have a lot more respect for the “right to life” movement if they focused their efforts on comprehensive sex ed and getting kids in foster care adopted- or at least providing aid for poor mothers. When they focus solely on inching back abortion rights, it feels a lot less like caring about kids and a lot more like controlling women’s bodies and behavior.
  • @kjsaaaaaaaa
    I wish my fellow Christians have this sort of passion for pushing for paid maternity leave, universal childcare, and a living wage for all.
  • @ktzep
    How about adopting the babies you want to force women to have? He's not a vigilante, he's a virgin-lante
  • How about protecting the born? Providing birth control, teaching safe sex, childcare, care for the mother, good schools, equal access to healthcare and more. Also, stating the obvious, nobody who is against abortion has to have one !!!
  • to the women who live in such states: There are groups in other states who can help you. a bus ticket is cheaper than raising a kid and hospital bills.
  • @pghurd3340
    It just fascinates me how hard (some) 'people' go to try to influence and control the next person's life, and how little they invest in themselves to get their own lives in order.
  • @vickygraham2444
    My great aunt got pregnant from small town ministers son. She was 15, it was a scandal. She had a black market abortion and it ruined her. When she got married in her early 20s she wanted to have a baby, but couldn't. We need to let women decide when it's right for them to have a family. Making safe abortion illegal will send women to back alleys to get abortion, leading to possible sterility.
  • @ugivemeupps
    This man wants abortion outlawed ... yet has no experience with abortion an doesn't even have kids himself
  • @vittorio_gala
    They should really stop trying to make life difficult for others, if u don’t want to abort, simply don’t. But don’t force your ideas on others, mind your own business
  • From a perspective of a European, I don’t understand the United States. People are really concerned about Abortion yet nobody seems to care about things like School shootings, drug epidemic or Inflation. The priority’s just seem so wrong to me and I am wondering if this is the general consensus or just some stupid village people?