Acts 21:1-26 - The Will of the Lord Be Done

Published 2022-04-06
In this section of Acts 21, Paul makes his way to Jerusalem.
Check out this teaching by Pastor David Guzik to hear what events took place on Paul's venture from Asia Minor to Jerusalem and his time IN Jerusalem!

Here is a link to David Guzik's commentary on Acts 21:

All Comments (21)
  • @femidawodu8707
    The Life and the Light in Acts made so real through this exposition. I saw myself literarily following Paul on his journey out of Ephesus to Macedonia to Greece, back through Macedonia to Jerusalem. At Traos, the all night teaching and Eutycus miracle, I wept; With the Ephesian Elders and the farewell at Miletus, I wept. Through Cos, Rhodes, Patara. In Tyre, as all the brethren, including wives and children escorted Paul to the Ship, as they knelt down to pray, I wept. In Cesarea, as Paul insisted against all caution to embrace odds at Jerusalem, I wept. Thanks so much for this teaching.
  • @rshelley7496
    Way to preach the Word in a biblical and practical, we need more pastors like you..God bless you bro๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿฝโค๏ธโœ๏ธ..MARK 7:16 IF ANY MAN HAVE EARS TO HEAR, LET THEM HEAR.
  • @jessyjonas4988
    โ€œ the will of the Lord be doneโ€ PAUL LIKE JESUS
  • @JmesFloyd76
    This is great expository preaching, to bring alive the Word of God in Acts in the lives of Paul and his companions. Thy will be done, O Lord, thine alone. Let's do it.
  • @jessyjonas4988
    Amen We all have the responsibility to โ€œgive the reason for the hope that we haveโ€ 1 Peter3:15
  • @idamohler6356
    Amen ... an excellent sermon. The movie on Acts would be awesome too! โœ๏ธ
  • This prayer amen!!! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป
  • @jessyjonas4988
    โ€œ โ€ฆlet every man be fully persuaded in his own mindโ€ Romans 14:15โœ๏ธ Amen Christians who are zealous for the Law Keep Saturday as sabbath Donโ€™t think it makes you more right Before God Righteousness is by faith in Jesus Christ Amen Each be fully persuaded
  • @jessyjonas4988
    Yes he was doing the will of God to go The Holy Spirit was preparing him Not forbidding him
  • @vishwasjawle835
    Praise The Lord and God Bless You Sir, i am Vishwas Jawle last 10 year back i started Ministry its 40to45 km away from my plase but 5 year back i had acsident and i was died but Lord saved me, naw i could preach the Gospel but naw i am 52%handicapt if wanted to go to Church i need car that through car, i will go to church, that's why i need car pls pray for that i could get car and i could served Lord, pls pray that i could get car, pls, pls pray that i could get car, God Bless You Sir
  • @jessyjonas4988
    โ€œ for I am ready not to be bound only but also to die for the name of the Lord Jesus โ€œ This here is why I LOVE PAUL so dedicated to the service of the Almighty and the spreading of the gospel
  • @jessyjonas4988
    This is what the social clubs emulate Everywhere you go there is a branch of your club But THEY DONโ€™T HAVE the HOLY SPIRIT