Published 2024-05-04
Hey my loves💙
Welcome to my channel!
I hope this resonates and gives you some clarity💙




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Please note these are general readings intended for entertainment purposes only. These readings may not resonate for everyone and do not substitute any medical or professional advic

All Comments (21)
  • It is my personality and story. I have defeated an ex husband narcissistic, fake friends, evil, jealous people. I transformed completely and now I understand why I have supernatural gifts. I am an earth Angel. I took my power back and go on shining. I ask God to bring my soulmate. I accept my mission of teaching people a lesson but I beg God to bring a healthy love. I deserve it. I do not want die alone, without experiencing it. I want be an example of happiness and faith.
  • I’ve been told this, multiple people tell me my energy stands out and is very strong. I’ve recently accepted this fully! Its quite a blessing to express yourself freely.
  • @rozdevin2468
    In the past, I often downed my intelligence to fit in and be accepted. Not doing that anymore ~ I'm shining even brighter NOW! Thank you, Father God! I cherish and worship you! 🙏❤️
  • When you’re an empath, you tend to attract individuals in your life with problems. And they tend to take your energy . That can be very overwhelming you learn to control your emotions, and see the problems as an outsider, even though you are immerse in that situation and identify patterns and the way you’re dealing with shifting that energy , loving yourself enjoying your own company is crucial to heal and to change the dynamics
  • @ayann3659
    The Unrighteous Are Powerless When The Righteous Are Unafraid🧠⛓️💔 Gratitude For Everyone's Collective Rise In Righteousness💗⚖️🪶
  • Once Jesus and Mary Magdalene told me " You're living your life as if it is over. I'm here to tell you that your life has just begun" Now you're telling me the same thing..... and so I rank you in a class with them.....
  • @nsaafir6227
    This reading hit hard. It was spot on. Made me cry because of all the karmic relationships I’ve endured that helped me turn pain into power. Went roller skating by myself today after avoiding hanging out with karmic friends yesterday. Enjoyed myself. I have forgiven so much. It hurt to hear you say this today because you validate my knowing and the way I’ve had to move with people. Saddens me sometimes but I know I have to keep living with the grace of discernment so I can stick to my soul journey.
  • @CourtneyLynn630
    It is so funny to me. No one gave any sort of care or concern of what was going on in my life when I was a full on drug addict. I could have lived or died and it wouldn’t have made a difference. I have suffered for most of my life, between addictions and then mental instability from said addictions .. I could have died and no one would have known or cared. Family and “friends”. I had a soul shifting spiritual awakening a few years ago that has changed me 180 degrees, and for some reason NOW people want to be involved. NOW people want to “help me heal” .. Gtfoh with that - I HEALED MYSELF. No one gets to come in and disturb my peace when you didn’t help me build it. You certainly don’t get to enjoy the absolute hilarious fabulousness that is I either ✌️
  • @Sicilian357
  • @user-ps9zm8cz1g
    Yes your reading resonates with me strongly. I've been reflecting these last few days on my karmic family relationships and how attacked I felt from such a young age and afraid to express my authentic self. I felt immense sadness about this, about the degree of animosity and envious attacks I have faced, completely unwarranted and unprovoked. So, it is validating hearing you affirm my reality and my essence... thank you beautiful soul. What I particularly take going forward is your advice to not accept anything today that my future self would not accept. THIS nugget is gold as a strategy for staying true to myself in any moment. Huge thanks and blessings to you my love 🙏🍀
  • @SueSnellLives
    100000% I've never understood the animosity, I'm so nice! really! lol. I'm so used to being alone. BUT, no matter how awful so many have been, I still love people and I've never gotten cynical. It's hurt, but I just hurt then move on. At 54, I finally understand and am no longer lonely. I very much enjoy my own company and the beauty of small things in life. I'm on my mission for those who need it. That is the light. That's where I'm going and what I've spent my life gaining skills for. I hope the lost negative people find their way.
  • @Snoopy-427
    I’m ok being the outsider and not give up on my dreams because others don’t want to shine
  • @TylerStaecker
    It is absolutely scary how much you are describing what I’m going through right now. It’s been a solid two weeks now that I have I ascended. Everything is spot on I am a Virgo and I can’t go anywhere without being overwhelmed by others. The amount of energy I feel from others in large groups is extremely a sensory overload. I feel the intentions of the individuals I encounter daily. And it has been a strain on my relationship. Not on my part but hers. She has tried and tried to get me to come out of pocket. Absolutely driving her crazy and others that are trying to get me to be that other guy. I told them he’s gone but still here in physical form. The form they perceive me as not as who I AM . It feels good to be free from my former self. But others will have to face themselves now and the physical exterior of who they are and what they allow their ego to own. 💯🙏😌
  • Beautiful reading daniella but it hasn't been easy. The witches of eastwick dragged me through hell. But people who have been born of the flames, don't fear the heat we embrace it ✨the last few years seem to have been lessons in darkness. But also love, and peace. I never knew love and romance could be so beautiful 😇🧘‍♂ I might be in a dark place right now, but brave men walk, where the angels fear to tread. Sometimes we have to visit hell to show others the way out 🕊 I dont pity my journey or my twins.. power comes from pain, and the more they try to hurt me, THE MORE I FEEL MY TWIN CHEERING ME ON..
  • After so much struggles I now own a new house and my family is happy once again everything is finally falling into place!!
  • @user-hm3wv7nc2z
    Alone? I have horse friends, cow friends, deer friends, birds and as we speak I swear I just made friends with a spider in my laundry room!
  • @BryanKimakowich
    YES, your reading IS resonating. The jealous hatred I am exposed to is SO cruel and SO determined to bring me down, to the Nth degree. Extreme malicious violence to humiliate me and to isolate me from social contact with anyone/everyone is/has become ‘old hat’. When I was just 10 years old, on the way home from school, I was violently assaulted with murderous intent, extreme malicious murderous intent. It happened very close to the school AND it began within a moment or two after school ended and everyone was walking home. And the vicious assault upon me lasted for over 15 minutes, before my attackers were satisfied that I was not moving and gave no indication of being conscious. I was UNCONSCIOUS. That means that all of my brothers and sisters and all other relatives/cousins had to walk right by my unconscious body. So, hours later when I did not arrive home after school, NO one came looking for me. NO one was at all curious. They already had the certainty they needed/wanted/were relying on. When I finally regained consciousness, I collected myself and discovered that I had urinated AND defecated in my clothes. In great sadness and humiliation, I slowly dragged myself the rest of the way home. When I arrived home, I stood outside in the freezing winter cold on the steps in front of our home, because there was a real and joyous party/celebration going on. After one of my brothers noticed me standing at the door outside, he went back in and the music and the singing and dancing stopped abruptly. No one was expecting me to get home, because they knew, they all knew, what had befallen me right after school had finally ended. Finally, my mother came to the door, opened it, grabbed me by the collar of my winter coat, and very roughly dragged me into the house and directly to the bathroom, where she ran a hot bath with disinfectant added to the soapy water. She never said a word, because she was very unhappy to see me, they had been forced to send home their otherwise very happy party guests. There was no scheduled calendar event to cause such a celebration in the middle of the week when everyone there had to have taken time off of work AND school to be there at such a rockin party. I was brought pajamas to put on after I finished in the bathtub, and I snuck into bed without attention of any kind, as everyone had to get home quickly, with work and school coming only a few hours later in the morning. That was just one of countless similarly worse and more violent and even more demeaning events. The shock and unwanted surprise from friends/family/acquaintances each time I survived, became the cause of great sadness and resignation that I might actually be immortal and a spirit that could not be extinguished, no matter how unwelcome and unwanted I was among them in our small Satanic worshipping frontier community. Outwardly, everyone was going to church every weekend/Sunday, and for myself every morning before classes during religious festivals. But I was alone at every mass before school, NO one else (classmates or staff), from our devout Catholic school/community were ever at the same Mass as I was attending. As time and events ground into the future, I was forced to consider the current rumours that our entire Catholic Church and community were a Satanic worshipping human child molesting and torturing and sacrificing vile hypocrites, but they were anything but hypocrites, because they were exercising their religious faith in approved accordance with the reality OF our religious faith community. They were being THEMSELVES, as their church and community leaders were teaching them to BE, and develope in their religious understanding OF the world the world, the real world, which all of them were eagerly and enthusiastically being a part of. Without seeking research on this subject, I was exposed to correct allegations that our church and everyone else’s church were totally owned and operated and funded and organized BY the God of THIS world, not the Christian God or the Muslim God or the Jewish God. ALL organized religions WERE the devoted obedient worshippers OF the owner of them and all of their church infrastructure. In secret, everyone KNOWS this truth, but every employer and every potential employer ARE totally owned and controlled by…you know who. Everyone’s income, everyone’s mortgage, everyone’s car loan, everyone’s financial institution, everyone’s priest/pastor, every policeman/woman, every judge, every lawyer, everyone’s real estate agent, everyone’s doctor, everyone’s boyfriend/girfriend, everyone’s husband/wife, everyone’s relative(s) and their own children, were totally owned and mind-controlled by HIM, who goes by the unspeakable name whom Jesus had condemned and of whose vile/evil worshippers Jesus identified. I remain a devout Christian, but now I am following the way AND the truth AND the path AND the life that IS Jesus, the Christ consciousness. And to every upstanding member of the community’s chagrin, I have been forced to reflect on, and expose, all of the lies and all who purvey the lies, and I am so committed to the service of the God of love, and of Good versus Evil. The very survival of humanity anywhere and everywhere in the universe, depends on God winning. And nothing else is possible. God WILL win, for it is inevitable and more guaranteed than death and taxes. Indeed, because of the direct intervention OF our Lord and Saviour, the only guarantees in life ARE for our free will. THIS guarantee is a Covenant with God, sealed by the sacrifice and passion and blood and flesh OF our Lord and Saviour. He too suffered humiliation and every imaginable kind of abuse and ridicule and discrediting slander. According to Luciferian worshippers, Jesus is boiling in human excrement in Hell, as we speak. NOT true, NOT on MY watch. No matter who or what comes through my door, MY resolve, will NOT be broken OR shaken. My appointed rounds will NOT fail. I have a real and perfect plan for stopping them, Satan’s violent minions, and it does NOT involve fighting fire with fire. It is only about removing their source of income. They absolutely MUST have OUR low vibrational frequency energies. And their worthless/false and fraudulent monetary system. They cut me off from career and even the most menial forms of gainful employment, and my drivers licence, and everyone and everything associated with luxury and abundance and ‘the good life’ to which everyone aspires. Instead of anger and disappointment, I have embraced and expressed undying gratitude for my situation. And I am most grateful because I am fed and clothed and shielded by God himself, and if/because I continue to have absolute faith and trust in God. Most of all, I don’t have to participate in ANY of Satan’s contractually obligated violent disgusting ritual worship ceremonies. Each day that I survive and thrive under God’s tutelage and protection, is one day closer to the ultimate victory of Good versus Evil. Without having me to financially support them financially and supply them with their only source of income and energy from low frequency vibrations of fear and anger and hatred, I HAVE denied them the necessities of THEIR lives, which are NOT negotiable necessities of MY life. “Look at the birds of the fields who neither spin nor toil and yet they are all fed and cared for. So it is and will be for you.’ Without the envy of jealous hatred, I AM rich. I AM swimming in REAL abundance. According to the Word of God, we are already abundant. Use what I gave you. You lack nothing. We have NEVER lacked ANYTHING. Thank you for sharing your perspective. Thank you even more for clarifying my own perspective in my own life and in the lives of all who know and respect and admire me. My persecution and my persecutors will NOT relent. In fact, they are already dong the best to destroy me on every level. They would double down, but they already at their max and unsustainable effort/expense. There have been countless assassination attempts and betrayals of EVERY trusted member of family/friends/acquaintances. I have been tested with FIRE. I have been forged in fire and MY metal will NOT be broken by any weapon forged for destroying me. To this end, God has armed His Archangels with fearsome weapons. God has armed me with only a blue ink scratchy vegetable ink gel pen, because God and I know that the pen is mightier than the sword. My one and only pen is mightier than all of the swords wielded by all of Satan’s demonic worshipping minions. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelu-u-u-u-u-jah! Go well with you, each and every one of you. Each and every one of you have done a way good job. WWG1WGA ~ Gomtuu - ‘Three of Six’ (the servant OF the servants, the observer OF the Observor) 🙏🧠❤️👍🙏🧠✍🏻 P. S. “I have crossed the barren desert, but I have not died of thirst. I have wandered far in safety, though I did not know the way. I spoke my message in foreign lands, and all have understood (Thanks to Ule, my friend/my translator to German). I have seen the face of God, and lived. I am not afraid, He has go before me always. When I follow him, He has given/He gives me rest.” ~ Bob Dufford
  • @Goog250
    It's very exhausting my whole life I've had people try to ruin me. I just keep going it doesn't stop me because I know I'm awesome. I know how my story ends and people who have disappointed me are gonna regret it. 😂
  • yes lots of people who are fakes to me and only love the benefits from I left them and I'm done everything to them..I'm just a giver and their a taker...but i realise my worth ...nothing can come back to me anymore...I don't care all to them anymore ....thanks for reading...
  • @pristine932
    A profound Reading D - Thank You😇 You reading resonates as if a copy of ‘me’ is being summarised - amazing… A recent commentator pointed out that our essential self, which is apparent before we get suffocated by social norms and opinions, is lost to us as adults… Had we not lost this ‘self’ we would be better served in our life path… When I was young - like 2-5 years, I received the moniker of ‘the professor’ because I knew so much about many things beyond my age and life experience…. While I am intelligent, well educated, it is the rediscovery of the real me-that-should-be 8:56 that has been elusive… Hence Your Reading has re-identified the role I have yet to step into - public-facing it seems… I’m working on a project that could well end ip being the vehicle to take along this path… I believe I need assistance to guide me through this phase 🤗