
Published 2021-10-24
This is a problem for humans , because they have a special something that gets in the way of making good decisions. For example, if lighting your lanterns requires possible extinction of one of the most magnificent life forms of the planet, what should be done about it. With the proper amount of data , a functioning human can handily conclude the whale as more important, and yet the whale is taken to the brink of uncertainty. The caretaker of the earth would be quite cross with those who demised one of its greatest creations.

As we dig in the mud with our explorers , something starts to happen with the difficulty’s deciding what perspective is the right one. We are a teaming mass of items from this place. To think we are more important then that where we came from and created us is like dividing by zero. The dog can bring us to this place, they do not judge and freely forgive. What we don’t know is do whales forgive us for hunting them?

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