PERSONAL MAGNETISM Sleep Meditation ~ Develop an Irresistible Personality and Attraction


PERSONAL MAGNETISM While You SLEEP ~ Develop an Irresistible Personality and Attraction

Welcome to dauchsy meditations. We have all seen that individual who can walk into a room and immediately get the attention of all the eyes in the room. Everyone seems to want to be by that person and are extremely interested in them. It’s almost as if that person has an aura around them or they are a magnet, just attracting people to them. It is truly a sight to see. That is called personal magnetism. In this meditation, you will learn and develop in ways that will have people naturally gravitating towards you. You will learn to develop your natural personality that will have others instantly like you and enjoy being with you. With this meditation, you will develop and ingrain this information into your subconscious mind, all as you fall asleep. Now There are a few traits that create this irresistible attraction to a person.
The first part is having a genuine interest in others. Now, I don’t mean for this to sound negative, but the truth is, people are generally more interested in themselves than in other people. This is just a part of human nature that mostly everyone portrays. So the initial action in a conversation is for people to talk about themselves. So, instead, what you need to do is flip that around, and be genuinely interested in the other person you are speaking with. This is so rare for people to experience, that when you do this, the other person will be so blown away and be so drawn to you, and they won’t even know why. Also, I do stress the part about being genuine. Many people can act like they are interested in others, but most of the time, they are just thinking about what they are going to say until the other person stops speaking. So being genuine is very important. The truth is, people don’t remember the words another person spoke in a conversation, but they will remember how that person made them feel.
The next thing that will create a magnetic personality is being vulnerable. I’m not saying to express your deepest darkest secrets to every new person you meet, because that wouldn’t benefit you or the other person. But what you can do instead, is tell a truth about yourself that may make you vulnerable to judgement from the other person. When you express this truth, others will be able to see that truth in themselves. This simple act will break down so many walls and allow the other person to be vulnerable with you. And in my opinion, vulnerability and the knowledge of another’s imperfections is what truly creates connections and unbreakable bonds between people.
Finally, the last important trait in creating personal magnetism is honesty, with others as well as yourself. When you are fully honest with others, you let others know that they can trust what you are saying. And trust creates such a powerful connection between people, And When you are honest with yourself, it creates conviction in the words you speak as you can confidently know that what you are saying is the truth.
But the opposite, telling lies and being dishonest to yourself or others, can be one of the most destructive forces in a relationship to yourself, and to your personal magnetism. So be honest.
The following meditation will bring you down into a deep sleep and allow you to deeply engrain the traits of personal magnetism as you sleep. Listening nightly will bring stronger results.


コメント (21)
  • Agree with all of the positive comments. The speaker has a lovely, gentle Scottish lilt and a very calming "way with him". It would be nice to have two versions of the guided breathing meditation, the 2nd one having a little less coaching, but that is about the only criticism I would have.
  • To whoever takes the time to read this, you are worth it. If you’re going through a tough time, just know that there is a whole community of people right here in this comment section that you can talk to. Let’s all work together to battle the loneliness and depression of these tough times!
  • Wow this one is powerful!! After probably two weeks, if that, people I haven't talked to in years are coming out of the woodwork saying they miss me. It's a nice feeling. 👍and I notice I'm making small talk with strangers easily, and its delightful and genuine. Usually small talk annoys me.
  • This is truly becoming 1 of the most powerful effective sleeping meditations I've ever experienced. Wow, I'm blown away!!!
  • @mrg2235
    I have autism so I feel good hearing this stuff it helps me get bye
  • This is perfectly timed for me. Dauchsy, whoever you are, thank you SO MUCH for your generosity to the world through these art pieces. My quality of life is improved by using them : ) a lot. Thank you so much.
  • Women won’t leave me alone now.. In the closet, in the bushes, under my bed, in the back seat, they’re always watching me now.. always breathing down my neck. My life is completely ruined now... thanks Dauchsy! Haha, on the real though, I love this meditation. I sleep like rock and wake up on the right side of the bed every morning. This has really boosted my charisma, and helped me project my presence dramatically!
  • Been at this for almost 2 weeks and now getting free things everywhere and meeting so many people!! This has been especially helpful in my dating life because I had 2 years of being single to recover from atraumatic past relationship and this was one of the gentle nudges i needed that the people I am meeting are really nice and positive. Thank you Dauchsy! ps: you voice is attractive lol
  • @Sam-fg9lf
    Can we get one for SOCIAL anxiety!!!! Very common problem!!
  • I do believe i have personal magnetism due to being an empath and i do genuinely feel and care about people i don't know it's something that i've been like even as a child and often thought at times i care too much if that's even such a thing. This is going in my playlist for others to try as i really don't think i want to add any more attraction to my life it's a little overwhelming sometimes as it is and let me end by saying your voice has magical powers :)
  • Thank You ever so much Dauchsy. It seems you know exactly what I need each step of the way on this journey I’ve been on the past few years with so many great challenges that have continued for quiet some time. This meditation has helped me more than I can express. Blessings to you for all you do. Grateful hardly seems enough to say. Namaste, my Soul bowls you your Soul 🙏🌸🙏💗🕊
  • I love this guy, this guy is teaching me how to love myself, mega respect! ❤💙
  • Thank you for creating this.Thank you God for putting you in my path.Thank you for enriching my mind.You are a true friend at the end.God bless you always.Whatever our connection is from this time on .You can let me go now.I have learn so much .I have learn to love myself for me to be independent and survive the remainder of my life.My true wish for you find your true happiness.You deserved it.The one that is free spirited and fun and alive and can balance you the one that could travel the world with you the one who could give you children and so much more.You are loved by God remember that.When you feel like screaming and crying Seek him with open Arms for He will comfort you just like He is comforting me now.Thank you.I wish i have seen you again so i could say Thank you.Nevertheless i say it through this you tube comments.I love you always.Always have Faith Trust Hope And Love and Always pray and believe in your prayers.
  • @agezacam
    So clear for me. Thank you for shaing these very important messages.
  • Thank you Dauchsy, you ARE amazing. What you do for me uplifting ever single time ....👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽😘🥰😍✌️keep sharing and I will follow. Thank you, thank you, thank you kind sir🙇🏽