Jean-Francois Lyotard: The Post-modern Condition

Published 2021-02-23
You can find The Postmodern Condition here

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Dr. Michael Sugrue earned his BA at the University of Chicago and PhD at Columbia University.

All Comments (21)
  • @cobalt7342
    RIP Dr Sugrue. Thank you for all the knowledge you gave us!
  • @mrallison9968
    So cool this guy, “there was a time when indignation was an emotion, now it’s a job”
  • whenever he's transitioning and hits us with the "nowww..." it is always deeply gratifying
  • @balsarmy
    RIP. Your lectures are diamond in a flow of information
  • @starhaze3593
    Thank you very much Dr. Sugrue... I dread the day that there are no new uploads. Your lectures are absolutely priceless and a glowing legacy of your academic work that, God willing, will serve as a guiding light for countless generations of humanity. <3
  • @eapooda
    very few professors can speak about such topic like this man. This is master class lecturing
  • @Phoenix0F8
    I love the way you're able to make a lecture on philosophy sound like the narration of a chess match with one set of ideas battling another.
  • "The result of this scrupolosity is not intellectual cleanliness, it is intellectual sterility". That's my sense too. Thank you!
  • Rejecting everything except the self… great summary of postmodernism. Beautiful lectures; clear, fluid, and to the point
  • @builditwell
    "The was a time when indignation was an emotion. Now it's a job." Brilliant description of academic professionalization corrupting the humanities.
  • @acommonlawyer_
    4:29 “There was a time when indignation was an emotional, now it’s a job.” My favorite line of his ever.
  • @JediJoe22
    Such a good time to post this lecture.
  • "There was a time, long ago, that indignation was an emotion, now it's a job". Brilliant!
  • @WesternHog
    This man has been pwning the intellectual elite for 30 years. Damn, Michael, you truly are a gem. I can’t tell you how lucky I feel to be able to access this.
  • @majinpatrick641
    I very much appreciate these lectures. Even when all of my professors say to pursue another subject worthy of my time, or could achieve income necessary to retirement. Philosophy isn't meant to be profited off of and compartmentalized into a monetization scheme. And it isn't just a language game to confirm my rhetorics. It is a place to learn, live and grow. We are all human and although we may reject each other we should not reject life itself.
  • @eft1978
    Thank you for posting your old lectures! I wished more professors would have done so for posterity
  • @davidspivak8343
    45:23 "And the result of this scrupulosity is not intellectual cleanliness; it's intellectual sterility." Hard hitting!
  • @BaronM
    Brilliant and so prescient that it hurts.