World of Tanks: Stug3 75mm/L70 versus KV turret

Published 2011-04-23

All Comments (4)
  • @themomaw
    We were merely testing whether the 75/L70 would reliably penetrate the KV's turret front. There was some discussion about it. Clearly it does penetrate. In actual combat the Stug is stealthy enough to get shots on a KV (which has very poor sight range) without it shooting back, if one were using concealment properly.
  • @XxVvg
    lol he don't shoot back if he shooted you died in 2-3 shots he hits 250-300
  • @inadequit
    m7 tactics vs kv 1 load HE shoot his gun like 3 times change to AP circle kill him the rest of the way xD i used to do that with my m7 im at t20 now