Elon Musk ANNOUNCES New Tesla Bot 2.0 - Optimus Gen 3! BIG Upgrade Design & Features ! DECEMBER!

Published 2024-07-21
Elon Musk ANNOUNCES New Tesla Bot 2.0 - Optimus Gen 3! BIG Upgrade Design & Features ! DECEMBER!
0:00 Intro
1:06 A better design
5:38 Optimus Next Gen can talk!
8:18 Optimus Gen 3 doubles the utility
14:17 Tesla is making progress with Optimus
Elon Musk ANNOUNCES New Tesla Bot 2.0 - Optimus Gen 3! BIG Upgrade Design & Features ! DECEMBER! The Optimus robot is Tesla's boldest gamble, and Elon Musk is betting Tesla's future on his humanoid robot.
Elon Musk ANNOUNCES New Tesla Bot 2.0 - Optimus Gen 3! BIG Upgrade Design & Features ! DECEMBER! If it fails, the $25 trillion figure he mentioned will ultimately be nothing more than a colossal exaggeration in the tech industry. Therefore, not stopping at Gen 2, the Tesla CEO has officially confirmed that Optimus Gen 3 will arrive at the end of this year.
Elon Musk ANNOUNCES New Tesla Bot 2.0 - Optimus Gen 3! BIG Upgrade Design & Features ! DECEMBER! This might be the final version, as everything is expected to be astonishingly complete.

#888999evs #teslacarworld #teslacar #888999 #teslabot #teslabotgen2
subcribe: bit.ly/3i7gILj

All Comments (21)
  • @Tomana_
    Gen 1 looked like it was built around a Boom Box
  • @MrBoost2024
    Oh boy, Tesla's Optimus Gen 3 is the stuff of sci-fi dreams! Elon Musk is going all in, betting Tesla’s future on this humanoid marvel. If it succeeds, we’re looking at a $25 trillion industry. If it doesn’t, well, let’s just say it’ll be a tech industry blooper reel. The design evolution is nothing short of impressive. Optimus has hit the gym, shedding exposed wires and unsightly metal frames for a sleek, 5'10", 138-pound design. It's got hands with five fingers, a rotating neck, and feet that balance better than me on a Saturday night. Sure, it’s not breaking speed records yet, but give it time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, right? Now, Elon hints at using carbon fiber and polycarbonate. Imagine a robot as durable as a superhero – scratch-resistant and lightweight. It’s like sending a toddler into a Lego minefield and expecting them to come out unscathed. Speaking of cool features, how about an emotional status display? Picture Optimus showing Wi-Fi strength or battery status right on its head. And talking? Oh yes. Bedtime stories from a robot? Sign me up! Maybe it can help with math homework, too. “Hey Optimus, what’s 7 times 8?” “56. Now do your homework.” Customizable voices and personalities? Elon’s creating a futuristic sitcom here. Imagine Optimus knowing your preferences so well it answers your questions before you ask. It's like having a personal assistant who never takes a coffee break. Then there's the utility boost. Optimus Gen 3 will double its usefulness with more advanced hardware and a better battery. A 12-hour workday without a recharge? That’s more than most of us can handle without a caffeine fix. AI capabilities are also getting a major upgrade. The AI 5 chip will make Optimus smarter and more agile. Imagine a robot that can play the piano, thread a needle, or water your plants. It’s like hiring a personal assistant, gardener, and musician all in one. Elon’s goal of producing a billion humanoid robots a year is ambitious. But if anyone can do it, it’s the guy who sent a car into space. With plans to produce 100 million robots annually, Tesla’s market cap could skyrocket. And the projected profits? A cool $1 trillion annually. Talk about aiming for the stars! So, will I be renting or buying one of these wonders? Absolutely! If it can cook, clean, garden, and babysit, it’s worth every penny. Plus, having a robot to chat with about the weather or the latest election sounds pretty cool. “Hey Optimus, who’s winning the election?” Detailed answers without lifting a finger – sign me up! Tesla is clearly making strides with Optimus, and I can’t wait to see where this journey leads. Elon, don’t let us down. We’re all rooting for you and your robot revolution!
  • @mercury13
    They want him to fail and he will not.
  • @azabethhg7j
    This is incredible! I cant wait to see Optimus Gen 3 in action.
  • @XCX237
    Speech alone would be a quantum leap for Optimus. Speech alone would put this already advanced prototype to a much more useful choice. It could replace a cellphone. Would also make it a far more useful companion. People would want one simply to converse with it even if it couldn't do much.
  • @Taylordam
    Im so excited about the possibility of having a robot companion like Optimus. It could be life-changing!
  • @KevinCleghorn
    Building an army like Irobot for military use, we’re not stupid or blind.
  • @ngoesperanza
    Im impressed by Teslas commitment to making Optimus safe, efficient, and beneficial to society.
  • @timmontano8792
    I'm wondering if with these upgraded designs the Tesla engineers opted to go from 12-volt system to a 24-volt system in order to reduce the bird's nest of wires or cables that earlier versions displayed. Also, I think that possibly going with an all-carbon graphite model it would reduce the overall weight enough to be able to add more capacity of either battery power or sensor arrays and head displays.
  • @LalitaKarataev
    Could you provide more details on the specific improvements in the sensor system and deep learning for Optimus Gen 3?
  • @BarrosSilvaso
    How does Tesla plan to handle repairs and maintenance for Optimus, especially given its complex hardware and software?
  • @NuikoMiura
    What are the potential implications of having two humanoid robots per person, as envisioned by Elon Musk?
  • @andreahxow
    Im absolutely blown away by the advancements Tesla is making with Optimus! The future is here!
  • How does Tesla plan to ensure that Optimus is environmentally friendly and sustainable?
  • @KiahAston
    I'm curious about the cost difference between the Gen 2 . Will it be a significant jump?
  • @Vpg001
    Most of these units will be rented because it will be much more affordable than purchasing them out front.
  • @RayHlinger
    How does Tesla plan to ensure the safety and ethical use of Optimus as it becomes more advanced and capable?