The Watcher Is Awful And I Hate It | Netflix's The Watcher Review

Published 2022-11-09
Netflix is where really bad shows go to sequel bait

All Comments (21)
  • @RemmyBones
    I'm glad I wasn't the only one super disappointed with this show. It actually had some really good cinematography though.
  • Unfortunately I did watch the entire thing and I was terribly disappointed with the ending. They were so far off the original story, why didn't they just create an ending. To me the best part is when the figure in black rises from the floor and scares the real estate agent nearly to death. That was awesome. There were a couple scenes early in the series where you saw a figure, all in black, pass an open doorway. It was creepy and intriguing. Add the tunnel, hidden room and the dumb waiter and you have the makings for a pretty good movie.
  • I felt sorry for Bobby Cannavale. He was the only one who seemed to take the show seriously and not condescend to it in a farcical way. And why they hired Naomi Watts to play a self involved airhead I don't know. The problem with this story is that there isn't a lot of there there and what they came up didn't really fill that void in any satisfying way. I knew I would watch it like I know I will eat a candy bar I really shouldn't but even as junk food, it could have been better.
  • @Arkist15
    You hit the nail on the head with the writers not being able to decide on shows real life or fantasy direction. It's like they wanted to ride the true crime hype all the way through the show and forgot that this case lacks any conclusion. It does seem that they are gearing up for a second season because that's Netflix's special move at this point. Regardless, I was quite looking forward to an old satanic cult or Lovecraft style insane town plotline but felt very disappointed how they proverbially jerk you off for 7 episodes just to leave you there. Surprised this show was #2 on Netflix's most watched and I guess we'll find out next year if the studio wants to do anything with the show
  • @TheSwiftFalcon
    I've always been a bit confused by the "inspired by true events" thing, what is it supposed to mean, really? It seems like it could cover just about anything. I mean, I could read about the great empires of history, and be inspired to write a sci-fi story about a vast galactic empire ruled by a tyrannical emperor. Or maybe if one of my kids liked to play in the woods with their stuffed animals, I could be "inspired" to write a story about talking stuffed animals living in a forest. Or I could accidentally smash my toe into a doorframe, and be inspired to write a story about a diabolical trap-making serial killer. All of these would technically be "inspired by true events".
  • My review is long so if you don't want to read it all then simply read these 3 words: No payoff whatsoever. If you enjoy comiting your emotionnal and intellectual investment ( not to mention your time) into a show only to have the writers mock you for it at the end then "The watcher" is definitely for you. Instead of spoiling it for you I'll use an example : Say you see a trailer for an action movie starring Jackie Chan, Bruce lee and Jet-Li. Being a huge fan of kung-fu flicks you decide to watch it. The movie starts slow develloping all 3 protagonists and right off the bat you sense a fight is about to break out but for now none happen. All throughout the movie they keep crossing paths. Not a single fight occurs,provocations from each party start, tensions between those 3 Giants of martial arts intensify and the movie makes it quite clear that the 3 main characters are inching ever closer to an epic, absolutely legendary confrontation. Come the last scene of the movie : Jackie-Chan, Bruce Lee and Jet-Li meet in a huge ring. This is it, the battle no the WAR you've been waiting over an hour for. The ultimate contest of martial skill which once and for all shall decide who the best figh- Actually....the three men suddenly sit down in the middle of the ring, have someone bring in a tray containing tea and cookies. The camera slowly zooms out as it shows the 3 men enjoying a nice conversation while having a snack. The credits start, signalling the end of the movie. Look.....when I watch a psychological thriller or a detective show or any other genre relying on mystery I don't expect to always have all the answers. But no answers? None? This is what I mean when I say the writers are laughing at your investment. They put clues and red herrings in every episode to keep you guessing until you realise they're all red herrings and lazy ones at that because the writers couldn't be bothered to write an original and clever story where everything falls into place at the end. In simpler terms, the show is a collossal waste of your time. Do not watch it. Please......please do not waste your time
  • @Marchant2
    I watched it. Slow beginning. Disappointing ending. But a lot of the middle was suspenseful.
  • @Alltime2050
    One of the first things that turned me off was the way people read the letters with their minds making it sound as if someone was reading through a synthesized voice-changer.
  • @jamieford5145
    I had no background info so no expectations. I found it very enjoyable with plenty of twists and turns. Acting was very convincing. I'd recommend it 100%
  • I read 5 books in January alone. That doesn’t change the fact that I and several of my friends have experienced some very freaky stuff we can’t really explain. My favourite example, a close friend, has experienced unexplainable activity (if you presume “ghosts” don’t exist - maybe “ghosts” don’t but other things do) her entire life.
  • @sarahmaske7335
    I'm still trying to figure out if the "protagonists" were supposed to be likeable. They were insufferable, self-involved yuppies.
  • @nurseriches
    I tried three times and couldn't even get to the end of episode 1. Thanks for saving me from wasting a single second more on it.
  • The ending was weird and confusing. Believe this show was a waste of my time as nothing really was explained well. We were only introduced to more loopholes.
  • @D_Dupa
    Please stop telling me to read a book I can’t read :(
  • @tammyd.970
    "It's the tactile equivalent of hearing your cat vomit." 😂😂😂 Oh, that is the funniest, most relatable thing i think I've ever heard. I wake at the drop of a pin, and that hacking sound has me springing to life because i know goddamn well that he/she will find something really difficult to clean and puke on it. Not on the easy to clean carpetless floor, of course. Lol. Thanks for making my day, mate. Not much makes me laugh outloud. And thanks for watching this shit show for the rest of us. It looked bad so i didn't bother, but my brain kept saying, 'but the cast! Maybe people are wrong ...'
  • @stee8345
    God, it was sooooo bad. I watched the entire thing unfortunately 😆
  • So many plot holes & loose ends!!They could’ve done so much better!! This concept was just completely wasted!! Can’t believe this show was #1 on Netflix for weeks.
  • @jad1079
    I got about halfway through the series and realized that they weren't going to reveal who The Watcher is, so they could make it like the real life Watcher case. I thought I might be wrong when Theodora confessed to being The Watcher, but that ended up being yet another red herring.